Typical excuse from a liberal.
Sometimes I think I may be tooooooo fundamental, and too conservative. But you are right, why the stone cold liberals are gravitating to this board when there are liberal atheist groups everywhere puzzles me. And I meant atheist, because even a liberal would see through the policy of this Muslim hypocrite leading our nation down the rabbit hole, and be up in arms.
I may get slammed for this, but I see very little of Jesus on this board anymore. It's not as it was when I came here in 2007. It's only been the last few years that I've been called a racist, homophone, fat white racist old man. In fact age and race never were issues before, but somethings changed for the worse. But like America, I am not going to let these so called liberal believers drive me from a place I've enjoyed for 8 years.
Us old white racists have had enough, and we are taking back the board. :thumbs: