In a free society, yes.
In a free society, yes.
In ANY society. A free society simply allows you to open your mouth and speak what you believe. However, even in a closed society, a man can believe what he chooses.
I'm sure you have heard, NO MAN knows the thoughts of an others heart....only the man himself and God....and it is specifically the thoughts of the heart, that God seeks, that reveals the mans true belief and faithfulness to God.
That is a faulty presumption. There are so many exceptions to that presumption, you cannot even call if a typical statement. For example, most Christians are not six-day creationists, so - according to your logic - all Christians must generally be in agreement with a theory of origins other than six-day creationism.
No that is not a faulty presumption. I precluded my statement with "the bulk", which is to say of any group the "BULK" (majority) of the participants will be in agreement on all levels, whereas the lesser number will have particular things they disagree with.
False. This logic fails because it is built on the faulty assertion that precedes it.
No it is not false. The logic does not fail. It is your comprehension and understanding that has failed.
No, not in the cases of some hate groups. They see things according to ethnic heritage. I grew up around the Klan and Klan members, and they claimed that it was "standards, actions, standings," etc., but that was justification for simple hatred.
You have chosen a particular group.
You have labeled them, as haters, because they do not think like you do.
However you may absolutely have a core connection to that group, by default of RACE.
"THEY" absolutely separate themselves, based on race.
And absolutely they have an AGENDA.
However that does not mean EVERY "member" agrees with HOW TO "effect" their "AGENDA".
And when the BULK of the member DO AGREE, HOW the agenda WILL be effected, the HOW moves forward, regardless of what the lesser members may like.
Not if the person(s) initiating violence declare(s) their motivations.
Every group has an INTENT. (political, religious, schools, home-owners associations, castle law, prison inmates,etc.)
The "INTENT" is what entices others to want to be part of "that group".
It is always "others" trying to obstruct the groups "intentions".
It is always the "BULK" who will prevail HOW "others" will be dealt with.
There is almost always "a part of the group", who do not agree on HOW TO deal with others.
That is my point! A few people do not have to AGREE in their own mind with HOW TO react to others, while still agreeing with the INTENT of the whole group.
Governments in the Middle East often do not speak for their citizens. For instance, a significant number (possibly a majority) of the citizens of Iran (by the way, not "Arabs" - they are Persians) tend to favor the United States while their government has proposed "death to America" and "death to Israel."
I did not mention Iran. I simply said Arabs to signify the Middle Eastern area. I don't accredit the general population with being knowledgeable in geography.
While you speak for a "majority" of citizens "of Iran", claiming they do not agree with their Governments position....
I would simply say the numbers you pick out of the air, while fascinating, simply reveal your ignorance of the design of Islamic countries, their governments and their people.
Back to my point. They do not have to agree with HOW their government "effects" their intent. However they do not "generally" denounce their religion.
The Quran dictates to them to find, to fight, to kill.....infidels. (unbelievers.......according to THEIR belief).
Now open your eyes. Are you with OPEN ARMS embracing those who come to the US, and KEEP their Islamic religion, while "pretending", they are going to IGNORE the teachings of their religion and be tolerant of your Christian beliefs?
Utterly naive!
But those kingdoms no longer exist.
Of course they exist. God declared. Whether or not you can observe it, does not mean it does not exist.
The current Israel is a secular state.
Mans "declaration" is a little sliver of land "belongs" to Israel. Gods "promise" and "declaration" has not changed.
The United States was established on Western Enlightenment principles, with a remarkably heavy Christian influence, to establish a secular state to create a free society and provide religious liberty for all.
The Federation was established under Biblical principles and standards.
The Government of the Federation was established after observing OTHER governments, (kingdoms, dictatorial governments, republics, and other.) It was the Republican form of Government, (with the inclusion of a specific group of people being ALLOWED to VOTE for the PERSON to occupy the OFFICE of the head of the Federation, which IS the exclusive part, called DEMOCRACY), that was decided and agreed upon by the PEOPLE who would be governed by the LAWS of the Republic}
It is the LAWS of the Republic, the PEOPLE agreed to would be LIMITED, and set forth under Biblical principles and standards.
IF you study the structure of the Government as it was would find the truth in the history thereof.
IF you study the historical "changes" made by dishonorable men seated in honorable would find the corruption of the design being sucked into decayed.
IF you open your eyes and would find when and how the TRUTH has been replaced with LIES, and multiple generations have been educated with LIES, not the TRUTH.
No duh! And for those who embrace the ones who don't; I'd rather they be YOUR neighbor, not mine.
A very small number agitate to establish their religious beliefs as law.
One should be a concern for you, but obviously not.
They are many more "Christians" who agitate to get their religious beliefs established and enforced by the government in various movements involving school prayer, six-day creationism taught in schools, etc.
Uh huh. Precisely. This country was established on the PEOPLE'S agreement to establish laws on Biblical principles and really? It is an issue when the People do that? weird!
This is the same old tired anti-immigrant fear mongering that we have known for more than 100 years. We are a nation of immigrants and most immigrant families fully assimilate by the first generation.
Speaking of old and tired speech...
We are a nation of immigrants
Yawn! The US of A, was established for US of A "CITIZENS" ! People who AGREED to be governed by a Republican form of Government. People who AGREED to be subject to the LAWS established according to the principles and standards of the Bible. People who DO elect to come to the US of A and ...
1) lawfully visit and leave
2) elect to ASSIMILATE and BE subject to a Republican form of government AND subject to the LAWS established according to the principles and standards of the Bible. And become a citizen, making their VOW to hold allegiance TO the same they claim they were willing to subject themselves to... (ie the Form of government and the principles and standards for the laws that they will be subject to).
3) sneak in the country, (a criminal act), do not subject themselves to the Republic, do not subject themselves to the law, and are a menace and reek havoc on America and her citizens.
We are a nation of immigrants
No. I am not an immigrant. Nor were my parents, g-parents, gg-parents, ggg-parents.... actually, maternally and paternally my g+ parents were English colonists who fought for separation from the King of England and were among the people who agreed to a Republic form of government and agreed to the establishment of LAWS of the Republic be based on Biblical principles and standards, who BECAME lawful citizens and VOWED their allegiance to America.
You assume all sorts of horrible things about immigrants based on your fears and not reality.
That is a LIE. Don't lecture me about assumptions, while you blab out your own assumptions.
You obviously do not comprehend the disdain I have for corruption, cheating and theft.
Islamic countries are called "Islamic" countries, precisely because their RELIGION IS a force that dictates HOW their government operates.
In America one is FREE to dictate which religion they choose to subject themselves to. However the creation of the LAWS are subject to be designed according to Biblical standards and principles.
And really? You think the MAJORITY of "immigrants" from Islamic countries, are willing to forego their OWN religious beliefs, to become subject to LAWS, designed under Biblical standards and principles?
YOU are naive. I don't fear immigrants. I fear ignorant Americans!