I'm currently studying on Calvinism.I understand that Dallas Theological Seminary is a 4 point Calvinist school. Here are 10 differences I see between a 4 point Calvinist and a 5 point Calvinist. I also have Norm Geisler's book "Chosen But Free". Would you say that "Chosen But Free" represents DTS's view on 4 point Calvinism? Are 4 point Calvinists true Calvinists?
1. 4 point - Faith is not a gift from God. 5 point - Faith is a gift from God
2. 4 point - Faith precedes regeneration. 5 point - Regeneration precedes Faith
3. 4 point - Man has a free will 5 point - Man is a slave to sin has no free will
4. 4 point - A Christian can be carnal (backslide) 5 point - No such thing as a Carnal Christian (no backsliding)
5. 4 point - Non Lordship salvation 5 point - Lordship salvation
6. 4 point - Repentance from sin not necessary for salvation 5 point - Repentance from sin necessary for salvation
7. 4 point - Unlimited Atonement 5 point - Limited Atonement
8. 4 point - A Christian can break fellowship with God 5 point - A christian can not break fellowship with God
9. 4 point - Is possible for a Christian not to be a disciple 5 point - All Christians are disciples
10. 4 point - Synergism 5 point - Monergism
1. 4 point - Faith is not a gift from God. 5 point - Faith is a gift from God
2. 4 point - Faith precedes regeneration. 5 point - Regeneration precedes Faith
3. 4 point - Man has a free will 5 point - Man is a slave to sin has no free will
4. 4 point - A Christian can be carnal (backslide) 5 point - No such thing as a Carnal Christian (no backsliding)
5. 4 point - Non Lordship salvation 5 point - Lordship salvation
6. 4 point - Repentance from sin not necessary for salvation 5 point - Repentance from sin necessary for salvation
7. 4 point - Unlimited Atonement 5 point - Limited Atonement
8. 4 point - A Christian can break fellowship with God 5 point - A christian can not break fellowship with God
9. 4 point - Is possible for a Christian not to be a disciple 5 point - All Christians are disciples
10. 4 point - Synergism 5 point - Monergism