Actually, there are more than 5 reasons but this is for starters:
1. The most obvious: Jesus did not return to earth in A.D. 70 nor any other date of that time. He is to return to earth physically, visibly, and to establish a visible kingdom. The prophecies of Revelation therefore, could not have been fulfilled in A.D. 70 because John didn't even write that blessed book until well over two decades after Jerusalem was sacked by the Romans.
Zech 14:4 And his feet shall stand in that day upon the mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the east...
Zech 14:9 And the LORD shall be king over all the earth: in that day shall there be one LORD, and his name one.
The angel confirmed this to Jesus disciples at Jesus ascension into heaven and that he would return visibly:
Acts 1:11 Which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.
12 ¶ Then returned they unto Jerusalem from the mount called Olivet...
2. There was no antichrist (world dictator) as was prophesied I Thess.2, I John, and Revelation. There was no 'mark of the beast', no '666' and no world government in which a dictator would rule over the whole earth for 42 months. Nero could not have been the antichrist for he was Roman Emperor from A.D. 54 to 68.(14 years).
3. the Revelation was written by John in approx. A.D. 96 as testified by external evidence of the highest quality.
Irenaeus (A.D. 180), a student of Polycarp (who was a disciple of the apostle John), wrote that the apocalyptic vision “was seen not very long ago, almost in our own generation, at the close of the reign of Domitian” (Against Heresies 30). The testimony of Irenaeus, not far removed from the apostolic age, is first rate. He places the book near the end of Domitian’s reign, and that ruler died in A.D. 96. Irenaeus seems to be unaware of any other view for the date of the book of Revelation.
Clement of Alexandria
Clement of Alexandria (A.D. 155-215) says that John returned from the isle of Patmos “after the tyrant was dead” (Who Is the Rich Man? 42), and Eusebius, known as the “Father of Church History,” identifies the “tyrant” as Domitian (Ecclesiastical History III.23)
4. None of the prophecies of Revelation have been fulfilled yet. That includes the 7 seals, the 7 trumpet judgments, the 7 vials of wrath, and including the 3 woes. None of them as depicted by John on a world-wide scale occurred on or near A.D. 70 nor any other time in human history.
...and like the Russian nuclear disaster at Chernobyl in the 80's (the Hebrew word for it is 'Wormwood'), notwithstanding; the details did not agree with Revelation 8:11. Therefore, the prophecies of Revelation are yet future and apply to that period of time Jeremiah referred to as 'the time of Jacob's trouble' and what Daniel called the 'seventieth week' (Dan. 9:24-27.)
5. John said that when Jesus returns that 'He cometh with clouds, and every eye shall see'(Rev. 1:7...but the fact is that N
NE saw Jesus return in A.D. 70. Neither was the kingdom that the prophets spoke of established at that time in any way, shape, or form.
1. The most obvious: Jesus did not return to earth in A.D. 70 nor any other date of that time. He is to return to earth physically, visibly, and to establish a visible kingdom. The prophecies of Revelation therefore, could not have been fulfilled in A.D. 70 because John didn't even write that blessed book until well over two decades after Jerusalem was sacked by the Romans.
Zech 14:4 And his feet shall stand in that day upon the mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the east...
Zech 14:9 And the LORD shall be king over all the earth: in that day shall there be one LORD, and his name one.
The angel confirmed this to Jesus disciples at Jesus ascension into heaven and that he would return visibly:
Acts 1:11 Which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.
12 ¶ Then returned they unto Jerusalem from the mount called Olivet...
2. There was no antichrist (world dictator) as was prophesied I Thess.2, I John, and Revelation. There was no 'mark of the beast', no '666' and no world government in which a dictator would rule over the whole earth for 42 months. Nero could not have been the antichrist for he was Roman Emperor from A.D. 54 to 68.(14 years).
3. the Revelation was written by John in approx. A.D. 96 as testified by external evidence of the highest quality.
Irenaeus (A.D. 180), a student of Polycarp (who was a disciple of the apostle John), wrote that the apocalyptic vision “was seen not very long ago, almost in our own generation, at the close of the reign of Domitian” (Against Heresies 30). The testimony of Irenaeus, not far removed from the apostolic age, is first rate. He places the book near the end of Domitian’s reign, and that ruler died in A.D. 96. Irenaeus seems to be unaware of any other view for the date of the book of Revelation.
Clement of Alexandria
Clement of Alexandria (A.D. 155-215) says that John returned from the isle of Patmos “after the tyrant was dead” (Who Is the Rich Man? 42), and Eusebius, known as the “Father of Church History,” identifies the “tyrant” as Domitian (Ecclesiastical History III.23)
4. None of the prophecies of Revelation have been fulfilled yet. That includes the 7 seals, the 7 trumpet judgments, the 7 vials of wrath, and including the 3 woes. None of them as depicted by John on a world-wide scale occurred on or near A.D. 70 nor any other time in human history.
...and like the Russian nuclear disaster at Chernobyl in the 80's (the Hebrew word for it is 'Wormwood'), notwithstanding; the details did not agree with Revelation 8:11. Therefore, the prophecies of Revelation are yet future and apply to that period of time Jeremiah referred to as 'the time of Jacob's trouble' and what Daniel called the 'seventieth week' (Dan. 9:24-27.)
5. John said that when Jesus returns that 'He cometh with clouds, and every eye shall see'(Rev. 1:7...but the fact is that N