We are 6 years away from the year 6000 from creation, which is the true timing of the second coming of the Mashiach, which is why God created in 6 days and set apart the 7th day as a Shabbath, to foreshadow his 7,000 year plan for this earth, with the last 1,000 years set apart as the millennial Shabbath of this earth. And because of this is why the Mashiach must come in the year 6000 from creation, to begin the millennial Shabbath of this earth, exactly as it is written in ancient texts in the epistle of Barnabas and the Midrash, "God made the works of his hands in 6 days, and he ended on the 7th day, and rested on it, and he set it apart. Give heed, children, what this means; He ended in 6 days. He means this, that in 6,000 years the Master shall bring all things to an end, for 1 day with him signifies a 1,000 years". Therefore knowing the timing of the second coming of the Mashiach isn't a matter of seeing special signs in the heavens nor having special revelations, it's simply a matter of math, counting all the genealogies and timelines of the scriptures to determine the year we are in since creation, to then know how many years are left until the year 6000 from creation. It is intelligent and logical. In this year of 2020 AD we will be in 5994 YB, which is 6 years until 6000 YB in 2026 AD. And 3 and 1/2 years prior to 6000 YB the heavens will be shut so that it doesn't rain by the two prophets of Revelation, which will bring global drought and famine, and then around 6 months prior to 6000 YB all paper money and fiat currency will collapse globally with the destruction of Vatican City, which will only intensify the global famine, and then the second coming of the Mashiach will bring 7 plagues and death, bringing the agony of boils unto the entire world and destroying all those who refused to believe and obey, and leaving every city on earth in rubble at the final plague of Revelation. Believe and understand and obey and do not be swept away with the masses as it happened in the flood of Noah. Most will ignore this post because they are ignorant and deceived and deaf and blind, only to discover very soon that these statements were actually true, all to their own demise as they are swallowed up by the events soon to come because they refused to prepare. Do not be one of them, but contact me so I can give you some more pearls of wisdom on how to prepare for the next few years. There are already other independent communities that are making preparations, because they have arrived at the same conclusion on their own that indeed we are approaching the year 6000 from creation, which will also be exactly 2,000 years since the anointing of the Mashiach in 26 AD. Just these two facts alone should be enough to scare anyone.