I believe you misapprehended my question.. My question is not about Merriam Webster's definition of "perception". My question is what proof do you have of that perception having a basis in reality. Further, what was the methodology used in this survey?
"Wide spread corruption", to my mind, means it exists at all levels Federal, State, regional, county, and local (city, town, and village) and in very corner of the country. Mind you, I am not saying various government officials are not corrupt. I am saying the level of corruption in the US is far less than in other countries.
What proof do we have that the universe is real and we aren't all physically in a fish bowl somewhere wired into the matrix? Scientists are beginning to wonder if the universe and everything in it isn't just a big hologram that we
perceive as being in a solid state. I read that on a "mainstream" news site with lots of corporate sponsors, BTW. I can provide a link if you like.
The methodology? They asked a bunch of people if they thought there was wide spread corruption in the government. It's in the link.
Why does everyone want to compare this country's problems to other country's problems? I don't get that. What does that have to do with anything? Are we supposed to judge the condition of tyranny and corruption in this country by what's happening in other countries instead of judging the condition of tyranny and corruption in this country by how far we've drifted toward a totalitarian state?
Oh boy, I probably shouldn't have said that without providing a detailed description of the political spectrum and instructions on how to read it that nobody would pay any mind to anyway. I'm sorry Squire but sometimes I have to wonder if people here can actually comprehend that politics is more than just arguing over what "The Donald " said about Obama and Oprah. I don't mean to put anyone down but gee golly wow man some days here is like trying to have a grown up conversation with a room full of third graders on a Twinkies and soda pop high.
But I digress . . .
Let me give you an example of small town USA corruption. I grew up in a town with a population of 2500 people except for spring break when half the population went to Myrtle Beach. Back when I was in high school in the 1970's there were three cops in this town. The chief of police and the two other officers and the town judge who was formerly a butcher in one of the two small grocery stores in town were involved in a conspiracy (as defined by Blacks Law book) to enrich themselves by handing out tickets to people, taking them to court, imposing fines on them but "forgetting" to give out receipts and pocketing the money.
I guess those were the days before the police were legally allowed to steal from citizens through the asset forfeiture laws.
Anyways long story short. They all got caught, the judge committed suicide, two of the officers went to jail, one was fined 10,000 dollars and the chief was fired. And that's just one story about how the police here acted back in those days. I could spend the whole night telling you about some of the other crooked stuff the town "officials" pulled like the fire dept and their wife swapping scandal but I'm pretty tired from reading another posters endless diatribes about how I should be ashamed and kick myself senseless for questioning authority.