"This is a period of high anxiety for almost everybody. So here are a few tips for how to process news and polls over the final two weeks."
8 Tips To Stay Sane In The Final 15 Days Of The Campaign
Ever since 2000 when it looked like Gore MIGHT be the #1, I was so low that I would have had to reach up to scratch a cat's belly.
I was in cardiac re-hab at the time & my "trainer" asked me what was wrong, so I told him.
He looked me dead straight in the eye & said, "Don't you know that God is in charge?"
I thought for a few seconds & replied, "You are absolutely right!"
I have been disappointed in politics heap many times since, (particularly '08-'16
), but I'm OK when I remember my earlier rebuke!!
So I would say there is only one requirement to keep your cool over the next couple of weeks - Realize that God is in control, and trust Him - period!!.