Then what is the point of the vaccine?
The point of the vaccine is to prepare one’s immune system to encounter the virus. The problem with COVID is that — because it is a novel (new to humans) virus — our immune systems do not have any known experience with it and it can overwhelm our bodies to the point of severe damage and death before our bodies can mount a full resistance.
The vaccine prepares the immune system by preparing some antibodies before exposure in the wild, helping our bodies fight off COVID-19 before it becomes too serious.
if one has a weakened immune system due to preexisting health issues or age, then the vaccine will be less effective at preventing the viral load from getting to the point where one becomes ill. However, it will usually give those suffering from COVID-19 the ability to avoid having to go to the hospital or dying.
For example, my wife and I are fully vaccinated. In mid-January, we were exposed to COVID when we had to travel to Houston for me to perform my uncle’s funeral. I became ill a few days after exposure, with my viral load only getting high enough to measure in an at home test the day after the fever and body aches began. My wife felt run down for a few days, but never had a fever, nor tested positive. Her body fought it off because of the vaccine.
Because of my previous medical issues (17-20 years of high steroid levels because of Cushing’s Disease), the vaccine was less effective for me, but I was able to recover in three weeks. I was extremely I’ll for the first three days, and then it tapered off as my body was able to fully mount a defense. Without the vaccine, I would almost certainly be a fatality.
Nope, not at all. The data on the chart you cited demonstrates that it is not. Don’t you believe the evidence you cited?
But don't require it in any way and don't tout 95% effectiveness…
Except the data shows it is highly effective.
[/quote]…when you have to get a new shot every three months.[/quote]
This does not follow logically. I realize that we all want a “one and done” regimen for all time, but that’s not how life works. You might as well complain that food or water is “not effective” because we require food and drink from time to time. Or that exercise is not effective because we have to make it part of a lifestyle.
Actually, the position that you are repeating is based on ignorance and the hope that it won’t be logically considered. I know you are not the origin of the viewpoint you presented because you are smarter than that. However, you have let your mind become captive to misinformation.
You drank the kool aid, I will not.
You have been deceived. I am discouraged by your last statement — a statement of refusal to reconsider — since it shows that you are closed to new information that does not support your current beliefs. It is self-deception.