Some have been saying that Trump might be planning a coup to stay in power but it appears to others that the Biden led Democrats may have already started a coup to steal power. By the title of this thread you can guess what would be my view of it.
I would say if we're talking about a "coup" it boils down to “legitimacy”. If the vote was not legitimate then neither would a Biden presidency be legitimate. If a “coup” is defined as an illegal seizure of power from a government then a mass fraud in the election is a big step in the direction of a coup.
Maybe a better term is a “bloodless coup” since so far it has not been violent, although some may disagree according the Antifa actions that have been taking place and the threat of more violence to come if they don’t get their way.
Then there is the idea of “Marshall Law” under the guise of COVID restrictions.
How might Trump’s timely replacement of the Secretary of Defense factor in to what could be on the horizon?
So, what if one side believes the election is a fraud and the Presidency is being stolen with the media being complicit and then the other side insists, they have won, like the media tells them, but the matter of legitimacy has yet to be settled as January 20th nears?
Hmm, makes me think no wonder the Left was talking beforehand about what if Trump wouldn’t leave, I mean, knowing they were going to try to steal the election, that it would likely take more time than was available before the transition to expose their corrupt plan, all the blatant attempts by the media to silence the opposition and the threat of chaos through the Antifa factor all working together for an illegal “takeover” which to honest is kind of looking like a coup. (Again, the action of replacing the Secretary of Defense may have preparation for such an attempt.)
Should this start getting ugly I guess it depends what side you are on if the “coup” word begins to be thrown around who actually owns it.
The things is we have about 70 million people on each side and either the matter of “legitimacy” needs to be settled or we could have one major conflict ahead! I don’t see either side willing to surrender if they don’t trust the results.
I don't know if this matter can be settled by December 14th and if it is heating up and going beyond January 7th I wonder if we could very well be looking at a serious " A Biden Coup -VS- A Populist Revolt" escalation?
I would say if we're talking about a "coup" it boils down to “legitimacy”. If the vote was not legitimate then neither would a Biden presidency be legitimate. If a “coup” is defined as an illegal seizure of power from a government then a mass fraud in the election is a big step in the direction of a coup.
Maybe a better term is a “bloodless coup” since so far it has not been violent, although some may disagree according the Antifa actions that have been taking place and the threat of more violence to come if they don’t get their way.
Then there is the idea of “Marshall Law” under the guise of COVID restrictions.
How might Trump’s timely replacement of the Secretary of Defense factor in to what could be on the horizon?
So, what if one side believes the election is a fraud and the Presidency is being stolen with the media being complicit and then the other side insists, they have won, like the media tells them, but the matter of legitimacy has yet to be settled as January 20th nears?
Hmm, makes me think no wonder the Left was talking beforehand about what if Trump wouldn’t leave, I mean, knowing they were going to try to steal the election, that it would likely take more time than was available before the transition to expose their corrupt plan, all the blatant attempts by the media to silence the opposition and the threat of chaos through the Antifa factor all working together for an illegal “takeover” which to honest is kind of looking like a coup. (Again, the action of replacing the Secretary of Defense may have preparation for such an attempt.)
Should this start getting ugly I guess it depends what side you are on if the “coup” word begins to be thrown around who actually owns it.
The things is we have about 70 million people on each side and either the matter of “legitimacy” needs to be settled or we could have one major conflict ahead! I don’t see either side willing to surrender if they don’t trust the results.
I don't know if this matter can be settled by December 14th and if it is heating up and going beyond January 7th I wonder if we could very well be looking at a serious " A Biden Coup -VS- A Populist Revolt" escalation?