Hello Rocky, thank you for having the courage to join the conversation, although I found your post rather obtuse, considering the subject at hand: the many ways the Roman Catholic Church denies Christ.
Perhaps you are Roman Catholic? Or perhaps you are a Pentecostal who has much in common with Roman Catholicism, i.e. a preoccupation with miracles. Have you perchance read R.W. Schambach’s The Anointing of Miracles?
Of course you have. I suggest you start a new thread, “How to Partner with God’s Supernatural Power.” I am sure many on this Board would find such valuable information uplifting, encouraging and life changing.
But let’s return to your comment. Please cite your sources from their primary sources only, so we can test their validity word for word.
I realize there are many religious folks, such as yourself, who believe Luther and Calvin are of the devil, having little to no love in their hearts for their fellow man.
May I remind you, Rocky, of the God you serve, who does not change, but is the same forever? May I also remind you of a few verses I know you hold dear to your breast? For God so loved the world…..God is love…..
Now turn your Bible to the book of Genesis, chapters 6-9. It is there you will find the love of God for 8 people whom God did not drown. The entire rest of mankind – the elderly, the infirmed, infants, small children, pregnant women, the mentally challenged -- were purposefully drowned by our holy, righteous, just, loving, merciful, gracious God.
Now compare this truth to what you consider sinful of Luther and Calvin.
You take care, Rocky.
I believe the basic church congregations as seven...
Candlesticks - Seven church congregations - The seven churches - Revelations 1:20
Stars - Individuals within the congregations, all held in the right hand of Christ
Seals - The seven seals sealed each congregation within the lambs book of life

So I believe the church congregations as seven and Christ walks in the midst of all of us. This forms one church, but there are many differences among us...
Messianic - The original church
Martyr - Oriental church beginning with Paul
Pergamos - Orthodox church beginning at Constantinople
Thyatira - Catholic church beginning at Rome
Sardis - Protestant church beginning in Germany
Philadelphia - Revived church beginning in England
Laodicean - Materialistic church beginning in America
It is an amazing thing for me to see "Life with Passion with Father Cedric" on the TBN channel. I rate him an excellent Christian and speaker and wish him well. It is an incredible thing for me to see him on a channel such as TBN.
Live with Passion with Father Cedric | Trinity Broadcasting Network
Therefore I believe that Calvin, Father Cedric, RW Schambach, Jacobus Arminius, and folks like Paul Crouch saved and part of the church Christian. Saved? Yes! Issues? Yes? Even though I believe him saved I would not care to visit Father Cedric as I have no interest in joining the Catholic church. Even though I believe him saved I would not care to visit John MacArthur as I am not a Calvinist. RW Schambach? Let me grab my KJV and lets go!