You don’t understand.
This passage has “NOTHING” to do with SALVATION!
It is talking about rewards in Glory for true Christians in the Local Church!
The first two “Church members” being talked about, were truly saved;
Therefore they were FAITHFUL and were rewarded for their faithfulness!
But the 3rd “Church member”, wasn’t even saved, so he was sent to hell!
It is talking about the REAL CHANGE that takes place in REAL CHRISTIANS!
(And the RELIGIOUS PRETENSE that takes place with unsaved Church members!)
A lot can be learned about you from your very first post, mentioning this parable.
You said.........
“I do Hold to the Security of the Believer--that has nothing to do with the rewards they suffer for their deeds--People want to try and make it where the Saints will have it made in the shade--no matter how they act or do--that is NOT what the scripture teaches--more is expected and required from the Saints than the unbelievers--and those Saints who know to do good and do it not--MANY stripes will they be beaten with”
It looks like you have an axe to grind, because you somehow want CHRISTIANS to be PUNISHED in heaven for unfaithfulness!
(You will have to find another religion for that, because in Christianity, Saints who do not follow God’s instructions are punished in this life, by CHASTENING and only experience a “loss of reward” in heaven!)
Also the Scripture you used about being beaten with many stripes, is talking about the unsaved in hell, not Christians in heaven!