Well-Known Member
I'm currently watching Hannity report on the Ferguson, MO situation. He was talking to Dana Lesch and others about the recent eye witness reports of Michael Brown charging the cop. Dana admitted her witness was not vetted but it seems to match what the other one said. Then I turn to MSNBC and listen to "The Lst Word" and the dude on the show was commenting on the same issue and the FACT that there is absolutely no one coming to the authorities with a witness stating Brown was charging the cop. OK, MSNBC is obviously LYING for there are people with evidence to the contrary with the eyewitnesses that say the cop shot Brown in the back execution style.
So why does MSNBC do this? Do they want a race war or ratings or controversy. I just don't get it. Every time I turn on MSNBC they almost always have the opposite story or view of Fox. Not that Fox is always right, but MSNBC seems to always take the side that causes more controversy. I think we saw the same thing in the Travon Martin case.
Seems like any story that comes to the media gets MSNBC seeing one way and Fox seeing it the exact opposite way. They both seem to be adding trouble to the Ferguson situation.
So why does MSNBC do this? Do they want a race war or ratings or controversy. I just don't get it. Every time I turn on MSNBC they almost always have the opposite story or view of Fox. Not that Fox is always right, but MSNBC seems to always take the side that causes more controversy. I think we saw the same thing in the Travon Martin case.
Seems like any story that comes to the media gets MSNBC seeing one way and Fox seeing it the exact opposite way. They both seem to be adding trouble to the Ferguson situation.