I would ask why is it that Molinism requires that this world be actualized?
I think the average Molinist would say that God actualized this
particular world because it was the one that best suited his purpose, that being it most likely had/has the maximal number...or more likely...
ratio of those who would freely accept him: God, desiring that as few as possible would perish and the maximal number would accept him, this "world" is the one that is best suited to it. I would also add that this was also a world such that no one...who might believe in a
different set of circumstances exists, or to put it differently, I would imagine that the damned of this world are those who would
NOT under
any set of circumstances accept Christ. I am not sure that is a majority view though.
You don't believe in concurrent multiverses actually existing, do you? Just checking...)
:laugh: NO, I think that multi-verse stuff is largely for your materialists/a-theists to explain the "fine-tuning" of the Universe for life:laugh:
Given middle knowledge, why not just actualize the last part of this world only so that all creaturely experiences are bypassed?
Why, I would say for precisely the same reason all systems of thought (within Orthodoxy) including Open Theism. This world is the Pilgrimage we are on in order to recognize our need for God, to become conformed to the image of his Son et. al. Molinism is really not so much a novel Soteriological point of view...I am basically Arminian, but I believe in
individual election to salvation based upon the Sovereign decree of God...
but so as the free will of man is not taken away
but rather affirmed....in other words...actual Libertarian Free Will
and Predestination. It is merely a way to explain it or how it might reasonably work without turning free will into compatibilism (which, despite the insistences of our Cal brethren) is NOT (in my view) free will. It is just a posit of a possible explanation.
I don't think this could be asked of Open Theism though...
I think it could....either OT or Molinism requires sets of circumstances no? Indeed, I would almost say that sets of circumstances (that God decreed) are indeed the bread and butter of both!! In OT, unless I am wrong...This Earth and our lives in them bring us to the place where we
MAY accept Christ, similarly, Molinism requires a foreknown set of circumstances whereby free creatures choose to accept/obey him, the main difference being....in Molinism, the deck is flawlessly stacked prior to God's ever having dealt out the cards....:smilewinkgrin: But
you still have to play them.