I have yet to confront a person embracing a false doctrine who will admit to its inconsistencies.
Now, brother, I will admit there is some subjectivity to this debate. I will also admit that our view appeals to mystery regarding certain aspects of how the human will functions (just as Calvinists must appeal to mystery on other points).
But the straw man fallacy that I pointed out above is a basic fact of the matter. It would be like me saying, "You believe the sky is green and grass is blue." That is just factually an error.
You said, "you refuse to acknowledge that Adam stood as the representative of the human race." And that is factually INACCURATE. I (and most Arminians) do in fact hold the the federal headship view...and even the concept of Original Sin. That is not my opinion, that is not emotionalism, that is not an inconsistency, it is just a fact of the matter which you blatantly denied. Now, wouldn't you rather debate me rather than a stawman? Maybe you MEANT to say something like, "You say you believe in federal headship but you are inconsistent because..." But you didn't say that. Now, would you like to start over?