Well, you have frequently claimed that faith is innate. You have said that it comes from you --that God didn't give it to you. You have said it's no different than the "faith" that your dog has in you. Since you think God didn't give you saving faith then it has to be that you think that you manufactured --generated your faith.
What part of the body are you referring to as a "generator"??
Does God give to every person a "generator"?
If so then maybe the God-given generator, you speak of is where man gets his faith. Yes??
No, your constant denial of biblical faith is a demonstration not only that you have no understanding of the subject but it evidences that you are unteachable.
Yes, I refuse to be taught and/or indoctrinated with biblical
I contend for the faith once delivered to the saints; not once delivered to Calvin through Augustine.
Apparently you have little understanding of the subject of faith for you didn't answer most of my post. You avoided it. It seems as if the Roman Centurion completely baffled you.
There you go again Jimmy. I have cited 2 Thess. 3:2 a multitude of times for you and you always deny its import.
"And pray that we may be delivered from wicked and evil people, for not everyone has faith."
Your understanding of this verse is so shallow a snail could race through it.
Look at it in its context:
Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified, even as it is with you: And that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men:
for all men have not faith. But the Lord is faithful, who shall stablish you, and keep you from evil.
(2Th 3:1-3)
--"Finally": This chapter opens with a prayer. The first five verse have three requests.
The second request in verse 2 is for deliverance from his enemies--"Unreasonable and wicked men," otherwise known as "men (that) have not faith" (in God).
Learn this about faith:
Faith ALWAYS has an object.
Just because Paul didn't spell this out for you in kindergarten A,B,C, language for you doesn't make it untrue. Faith Always has an Object. It wasn't stated. It was obviously implied.
All men have not faith in God!
He was talking of the ungodly; his enemies; the unreasonable and wicked men.
The he contrasts those who have not faith (in God) to "But the Lord is faithful..."
The contrast is so obvious that the object of faith did not need to be stated, but only implied. "Faith in God; for, God is faithful."
Faith always requires an object.
All men do have faith, just not faith in God.
James 2:19 Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.
Demons have faith. They believe. Do you still believe there are those that don't have faith. Are you still hanging your hat on that one verse when James says that even demons have faith.
As I said, your understanding of faith is so shallow it is pitiful.
And with those strong denials of biblical truths you call yourself a minister of the Gospel?
Let me repeat the Biblical truths that you deny. You affirm the errors of Calvin, but then he is a murderer, not one who follows scripture.
I had said:
Every person has faith. It is innate.
God doesn't give "faith" to anyone in an unregenerate state. You have stated an untruth. Might as well call it a lie of the devil propagated by the devil himself. It is not in scripture.
--Let us consider your Calvinistic propagated lie.
Regeneration and salvation are one and the same. If there is a differentiation to be made it is admitted by most that regeneration and salvation still take place simultaneously.
Having admitted this much the Calvinist both illogically and unbiblically want to split regeneration and salvation apart and squeeze faith between them. They admit they take place simultaneously. But then they want to place faith in between. That is pure nonsense, illogical, and not biblical.
Definition of faith from a secular dictionary:
definition of FAITH
[noncount] : strong belief or trust in someone or something
His supporters have accepted his claims with blind/unquestioning faith.
Our faith in the government has been badly shaken by the recent scandals.
His parents have always had faith in him. = His parents have never lost faith in him. [=his parents have always believed that he is a person who deserves to be trusted and who will succeed]
A strong belief or trust in someone or something.
[noncount] : belief in the existence of God : strong religious feelings or beliefs
religious faith
Nothing is more important to her than her faith in God.
She says that her faith has given her the courage to deal with this tragedy.
He says he has found faith. [=he has begun to believe in God or has developed strong religious beliefs]
Same definition as #1 except the object of faith is "God," instead of "something or someone."
Faith is faith. Only the object changes.
There is no such thing as "saving faith." The phrase is not found in the Bible. Saving faith, so-called is faith that has as its object, "Jesus Christ."
Now the Calvinist wants to put this faith, faith that must be reasoned and thought out, in between regeneration and salvation which take place simultaneously. This grievous error is, of course, an impossibility.
It is apparent they know nothing of faith.