And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men. (Matt. 4:19)
"Come, have a cup of coffee with me."
You still have choice. You can refuse my "demand," or "urgent invitation."
There, in no possible way is any "irresistible grace." The choice is all yours.
‘Follow me’ was not an invitation. It was a command, proven by its imperative mood.
Imperative mood or not. They had a choice. They were not forced.
When Christ, the Good Shepherd, gives a command to His sheep, His Elect, they not only hear His voice, they obey.
Balderdash. Are you sinless. Read. 1John 1:8,10 before you answer.
“My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.”
A general statement, not an absolute. You do remember the one that went astray, don't you?
When Christ declares “I will,” He is declaring His omnipotence in bringing His eternal will of purpose infallibly to pass.
I will??? I will give them eternal life. Yes, he he fulfills his promise. He doesn't force salvation on anyone.
He did not say, “I will, if you will.”
The passage doesn't give that portion of human responsibility; it assumes it.
There is always human responsibility involved. You posts are amazing in that you, choosing a name like "Protestant" basically have thrown "sola fide" out the window.
As Christians we now understand that our Lord, in eternity, had chosen us for salvation.
Not if we reject it. The Lord knows ahead of time which we will do.
Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, (John 15:16)
He was speaking to his disciples. He chose them. Read Mat.4:19.
We were chosen in Him before the foundation of the world (Eph. 1:4)
Based on his foreknowledge of what we do. He also foreknew what Judas Iscariot would do, and chose him to be one of the original 12 as well.
Not our will, but His will was done by saving us when we were powerless and hopeless. (Eph. 2:12)
Zaccheus was not powerless and helpless. He chose to follow Christ. And then he chose to give back half of his goods. No one forced him.
His will is presently being done here on earth as it is in Heaven.
Foolishness! That is a prayer--a model prayer that the disciples should base their prayers after, not recite.
--People should be wise and not recite that prayer, and not believe that it is being accomplished as it is written for it is written, especially the part you quoted.
"May your will be done on earth as it is in heaven."
How is his will done in heaven?
Perfectly, immediately, without complaint, without hesitation, purposefully, from "the heart" so to speak, always with praise, etc.
--Far from that standard is his will accomplished on earth. We do not measure up to the standard that the angels in heaven do.
By God’s grace, all true Christians are called to be fishers of men.
And they will obey Him.
But they are not. There are many Christians that have never picked up "a fishing rod," sad but true. In fact there are some on this board that don't believe they are "called to fish." They don't believe the "Great Commission" has any relevance to this day and age, but that all was fulfilled in the first century. They have taken Calvinism to its extreme. All is predetermined by God, why witness to anyone. It ends up in Preterism.