The Republicans have no real charismatic and popular leaders to campaign and to win over and increase enthusiasm among their supporters. Republicans have no answer to Bill and Hillary Clinton and president Obama in the adoration and excitement they bring to supporters.
One major reason for this is that Christian conservatives do not (for the most part* - more on this below) put their hope in politics or man, like those on the Left do. To the liberal - their entire existence, their entire well-being is dependent on politics and the power they can wield through it. Not so for the conservative. And when they get a charismatic leader like Obama on their side, they cling to him for dear life, they worship him - he is their savior - because politics is their religion.
*I'm starting to think it's a good thing that conservatives are taking a beating politically, because it will drive us back to the first things - the things of God. Too many (myself included) have been allured by the power of politics and have placed too much of our hope in who wins elections. Don't get me wrong, I'm NOT saying we should abandon politics - Christ is still Lord over every aspect of our lives and thinking. But maybe we should redirect our energies a bit to the primary things in life - worshiping and serving God, serving our families, reaching out with the Gospel, building the culture around us from the ground up by equipping Christians who devote their entire lives and thinking to Him, instead of hoping in the top down approach of winning elections. And maybe it means focusing more on state and local elections and building a grass roots movement of thinking, devoted Christian leaders in our local communities, not just leaders in Wash. DC.
And I'm thinking that maybe God sent Hurricane Sandy for this very reason, because I believe Sandy did have an impact on the outcome. And I believe God is in control of natural phenomenon. I'm sure there are other reasons why God sent Sandy (which we can't know this side of heaven), but I can't help to think this election was one of His reasons - kind of like He's waking up the Church to quit putting our hope in politics and man and look to the first things.
I don't know - all of this just came to me over the last couple days. Not trying to lay down a manifesto or wax poetic, but just sharing what's crossing my mind and heart after reflecting on these recent events.