I began reading the book, The War That Ended Peace: the Road to 1914 last night. I believe it is going to be a very interesting book and a well written very readable book. I am reading it on my Kindle, so I cannot give you a page number, but can give you the Kindle location number.
Isn't this what Putin is attempting to do, put the humiliation of the fall of Communism and the USSR empire behind and to reassert Russia as a great power through the rebuilding of an empire?
After the humiliation of defeat by Japan in 1904-5, Russia had a pressing need to reassert itself as a great power.
The War That Ended Peace by Margharet Macmillan, Kindle location number 247
Isn't this what Putin is attempting to do, put the humiliation of the fall of Communism and the USSR empire behind and to reassert Russia as a great power through the rebuilding of an empire?
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