For those who feel hatred towards women who have abortions and such, I'd like to make a few comments towards that.
At one point in time I interviewed a number of women and some men who had their babies aborted out of fear, parental force (underage) or because it wasn't a good time for them to have a baby.
I learned sympathy through their stories. SO many went in blind and ignorant of human development.
One told of becoming pregnant by a youth pastor when she was a teenager. She was SO scared. A baptist girl used by this man who then told her this was what she was to do. Scared of telling her parents, scared of the man's response, just plain scared. She had it done and lived with guilt, shame, and regret for years. She later came out with her story and is a beautiful person who is now actively involved in the pro-life movement.
Another was a couple. Both had children and they never really talked. Neither REALLY wanted it, but the idea was brought up, the appointment made, insurance covered it, and it was done. At the time I talked to them individually, neither knew I talked to the other and their feelings and thoughts were SO similar and they didn't even know the other felt that way.
I asked everyone I talked to what would have changed their mind.
The most common answer?
Most had little information on fetal development. They were told how safe and common abortion was and the fetus was referred to as a blob of tissue. They had no idea of the pain involved, both physically and spiritually. They never heard the heartbeat. They never saw a picture. Most were scared and soothed by the rhetoric of the pro-abortion people. They had a major problem and these people offered a solution and made them feel it was okay. Most started feeling the horror of it the second it was done. One actually saw the parts of the fetus, accidentally left in view, and that was her rude education into just how developed that blob of tissue was.
For many there is no relief from that guilt. Abortion is so taboo in the Christian world that most will not admit to it and live stunted in their spiritual growth because they cannot forgive themselves and feel God can't either and when they think other Christians won't, they're often right.
Men as well! Don't ever think this is a female problem. Men suffer just as much, even when they were for it too and later realize what was done. Or when they had no control over it because it was the woman's choice and they had no say.
It's an easy thing to hate. All sin is, but the nasty thing on this one is that it turns to hating the person. People who rape, rob, steal, or murder people already born are usually forgiven with much more ease. Not only that, but they don't sit in church and hear vivid descriptions of their sins, but people will show graphic pictures in church of abortions and give play-by-plays on how they are performed and the victims of it, which very often DOES INCLUDE THE MOTHER AND FATHER, have to deal with reliving it right there in the one place where they should be able to find safety, love, and forgiveness.
There's a whole segment of people in the church hurting that remain largely unministered to by others.
Do you know how beautiful and strong a witness these people can be against abortion if we did the right thing and helped them understand the forgiveness, the beauty and life and grace of Christ? Like the one lady I mentioned earlier...once she got that through her head she just blossomed. She ended up going to a place that offered a memorial type service and got some relief from the guilt, learned to accept the COMPLETE forgiveness that can be found in Christ, and is now a witness for our Lord concerning the lives of our precious unborn.
Nobody deserves to be killed, but nobody deserves to be made to feel like they can't be forgiven either. That's the opposite of what Christianity is, tough as that may be for the many who are very sensitive to the plight of the unborn. Please just don't forget that there's always a minimum of three victims in an abortion. One child, one mother, and one father. Whatever you may think of them. Christ offers no less grace to them than to you and your sins didn't cause him less pain on the cross, did they?
Just think on it and please...please pray for your hearts to be softened towards the men and ladies who need SO much to discover and be able to accept the concept of complete grace and complete forgiveness.