I am not exactly sure that you understand what I am trying to communicate. We can ask questions, such as how can God be hungry, or feel pain, or cry for His friends. These are philosophical musings. Scripture simply tells us that Jesus is God and that Jesus hungered, suffered, and cried for His friends. Likewise Scripture teaches us that there are two natures - the flesh and the spirit. The Logos (Jesus) was at one time not flesh, but He became flesh and dwelt among men. Two natures: 1) Flesh 2) Spirit. Anything other than this is an addition to Scripture - it is hypothetical. (Like if God is all powerful surely He could create a square circle). I am not interested in discussing the hypothetical (I am not interested in square circles or additional natures philosophy may ascribe to man). At one time I loved philosophy. Now I only like it when applied to sarcasm.
That said, I don't begrudge you your ideas nor your freedom to share them here. I just have no desire to play in that playground. The older I get the more think Scripture takes priority and the more I believe it is complete in and of itself.