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"Even Christians themselves have the root of legality still left within them and are to a greater or less degree infected with a self-righteous spirit to the end of their days. Though a Divine work of grace has been wrought in them, enabling them to see, feel and know they are depraved, polluted and vile creatures—causing them to close with Christ as He is presented to them in the Gospel and cast themselves upon Him as their only Hope, their Deliverer, their all-sufficient Savior—pride still works within them, and as it does, they are ready to give heed to some of Satan's lies and imagine that they are now in themselves something more, something better than Hell-deserving sinners."
- excerpt from an article written by A.W. Pink (A Legal Spirit Vs. An Evangelical Spirit | Monergism)
- excerpt from an article written by A.W. Pink (A Legal Spirit Vs. An Evangelical Spirit | Monergism)