EVERY post he has started of the last 25 have to do with attacking Calvinism.
When I first heard this accusation I knew it wasn’t accurate, but I also understood it was being made in anger and ignorance, so I didn’t feel the need to specifically point out the inaccuracy. After all, I’m well aware that most of my discussions on this particular forum are centered on soteriology and there is nothing wrong with that. But, for those who are following along, here are the facts of the matter:
Of the last 25 threads I’ve started…
1 was on divine inspiration as it relates to sovereignty
1 was on misrepresentation of others views (straw-man attacks)
1 was on God’s Holiness
1 was on Israel relation to Law as it compares with the World's relation to faith.
1 was in reflection of a Tozer quote “deep calls unto deep” and how that relates to the appeal of the gospel
1 was on how our theology affects how we counsel in tragedy.
Several others were in the private moderators forum about various issues and topics unrelated to theology
And while the rest certainly are involving the issues surrounding Calvinistic doctrine, most of them aren’t ‘attacks’ (as was Ann’s ill informed accusation), but actual defenses of my own views carried over from other threads. Even the ones that are more on the 'offensive' against Calvinism are not what most would refer to as "attacking," but merely questions, arguments and points of disagreement for discussion.
ALL of the threads are cordial and covering issues often discussed in theological journals and articles written by scholars on these subjects. They certainly were all well within the rules and expectations set by the owners of this forum, which is more than we can say for Ann’s most recent posts.
Now, let’s get back to the OP and away from this derailment. Thank you.