webdog said:
You are missing the point of Romans 1, then. You lost me with the "neutral world" stuff
Well, I am not so arrogant to think I know everything. However, saying I am missing the point of Romans 1, and then not telling me exactly how I have missed the point of Romans 1 by engaging the text, in context, does not convince me that I have missed the point of Romans 1.
About the "neutral world" stuff. If I am understanding you correctly, you are saying that a person is condemned only for rejecting Christ as Savior. Is that your position?
What I am saying is that Christ came into a world already condemned. Christ came into a world that had already rejected God. That is clear from Romans 1, John 1, and 3, and many other passages of scripture.
Christ did not come into a world that was "neutral", that is...a world that was neither condemned nor saved, but simply waiting for God to give the opportunity or choice for either salvation or condemnation.
It does refer to God's attributes found in Scripture, but that is not what is defining "Truth".
The "truth" of Romans 1:18 is clearly identified as the attributes of God evident in His creation that reveal God to mankind. Mankind has rejected that revelation, also clear in v.21 to the end of chp. 1.
You have snipped and combined bits of truth to create that which is not true.
Again, saying it but not proving it by engaging scripture in context does not persuade me that I have erred.
People are condemned for not beliving in Christ, pure and simple, not for believing God is behind the Big Bang.
Again, that doesn't answer the question of what happens to those who have never heard of Christ? do they stand condemned? If the best you can do is to say, "well, maybe angels preached Christ to them before they died", then I would say you have gone way beyond scripture in your beliefs.
I based my statement off of Revelation 14:6 ...Then I saw another angel flying in midair, and he had the eternal gospel to proclaim to those who live on the earth—to every nation, tribe, language and people.
The "gospel" he proclaimed was "
Fear God, and give Him glory, because the hour of His judgment has come; worship Him who made the heaven and the earth and sea and springs of waters."
Context #1: This is during the great tribuation, just before Christ comes to judge.
Context #2: The "gospel" that is proclaimed is the same from Romans 1...it is an appeal to general revelation. They should give God glory based on the fact He is the creator of all things.
I would also like to point you to the ministry Voice of the Maryr's. If you don't get the newsletter, you should sign up. You will be amazed by the testimonies of converted muslims and other false religion converts around the world.
I have seen some of their testimonies. It seemed to me that they always found people to witness the gospel of Christ to, and those folks were saved. God sent them a human being, a Christian, to witness to them the truth of the gospel.
I haven't seen any that were saved by hearing angels proclaim the gospel, but I would read it if you could show me one.
Even if one person had such a testimony, that does not mean angels appeared to every single person on the planet to proclaim Christ. There is simply no evidence of that.
peace to you