Hello God's_Servant
This question was already asked.......
Doctrine is “changed”, little by little(like little foxes), removing a verse here or there.
(And the publishers of the MV’s answer to noone, for the changes they make

Because most people will keep using them, regardless.
If I ever buy a KJV, and find a “word” missing or replaced, I return it or stop using it.
Here is almost what I said before.......
Years ago Gail Riplinger, came out with a book that pointed out all the “doctrines”, that the MV’s were attacking(the Deity of Christ, for one), and she did this by listing all the places(chapter and verse), the modern versions of her time had changed words and removed verses and passages, etc.
And it was devastating.
Well the publishers of these Bibles fixed her wagon good:
You see Gail had assumed, that since these were Bibles, that her book would forever be a testimony of what they were doing.
But what happened, was that when the following issues of these MV’s came out, the publishers had doctored them up.
Where “virgin” had been changed to “young maiden” in Isaiah 7:14, now it was changed back to virgin. Etc,
This same thing happed when years ago, someone came out with a Christian film called “the god makers”, about the damnable heresies of the Mormons.
Listing all the ungodly things found in the book of Mormon.
And so the Mormons simply edited out the objectionable passages.
(This is why today, the Mormons will pay almost anything, to get an old book of Mormon back.)
Now to your question:
Any of us will be hard pressed, to find any Doctrine actually “changed”, in these modern versions, but they showed their true colors, when their early editions came out.
And even if we can’t find any “changes”: Who wants to place their Spiritual life, in the hands of a Bible, that will change with every wind that comes down the pick.
One Doctrine change, that I can attest to, is found in Acts........
Acts 15:34
“Notwithstanding it pleased Silas to abide there still.”
Most modern versions, either totally remove this verse, or badmouth it to death.
Now right away, some would ask, “well what’s the harm”?
Well this verse, is a reminder to me, of the importance of learning to listing to the Lord’s still small voice.
Here, the Lord spoke to Silas’ heart, having him stay in Antioch, where a few days later Paul would find him, and the two of them would end up in prison together.
Christians that use MV’s, would miss out completely on this.