Speaking of the events that occurred during the marriage in Cana of Galilee (John 2), the Scriptures show us the most solemn moment at the marriage supper of the Lamb (Rev. 19:9). But why does the Scripture show us not the house of the feast, but its court?
At this hour, 70 weeks will be fulfilled, which were determined for the people of Israel. In an instant, their crime will be finished, there will be made an end their sins, and there will be made reconciliation for iniquity (Dan.9:24). Six stone vessels for water, intended for the ritual washing of hands and utensils (Matt.15:12), stood in the courtyard. And when the time came, Jesus said to the ministers: “Fill the water pots with water. And they filled them vp to the brimme” (John 2:7). Suddenly, in an instant there was a change in the contents of these vessels, and the vessels themselves, according to His word, changed their purpose. Their using was ritual, but it became honorable.
Scripture figuratively shows us the changes that will occur with the people of Israel with the beginning of the marriage supper of the Lamb.
Until now, this Great Event has been considered with the participation of called, & chosen, and faithfull. But we did not consider participation of Israel in this event. At that time Jerusalem will be devastated, and in Israel they will say: “The Lord hath forsaken me, and my Lord hath forgotten me” (Is. 49:14). To which the Scripture by the words of Christ answers:
“Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not haue compassion on the sonne of her wombe? yea they may forget, yet will I not forget thee” (Is.49:15).
The Lord Jesus Christ, having risen, will appear to Israel, when the Marriage Feast is completed. Israel will look before Him, “as of one borne out of due time”, as “last of all”.
“And last of all he was seene of me also, as of one borne out of due time” (1Cor.15:8).
In their understanding, this is how they will look in the eyes of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Mother of Jesus, Jesus Christ and His disciples were invited to marriage in Cana of Galilee. Scripture in the type of the mother of Jesus shows us those who are called, & chosen, and faithfull.
“And the third day there was a mariage in Cana of Galilee, and the mother of Iesus was there.
And both Iesus was called, and his disciples, to the marriage” (John.2:1‑2).
Speaking of the events that occurred during the marriage in Cana of Galilee (John 2), the Scriptures, in fact, show us the most solemn moment of The Marriage Supper of the Lamb (Rev. 19: 9). Jesus said: “mine houre is not yet come” (John. 2: 4). And when His hour comes “the mysterie of God should be finished” (Rev. 10: 7). Jesus Christ in king’s attire, with His crown of gold laid on His head, will go out of the Sanctuary “as the Sunne shineth in his strength” and, rejoicing, He will declare to the whole Church of God: called, & chosen, and faithfull, “Ye are witnesses this day” (Ruth. 4: 9) that I have through My Blood obtained “eternall redemption” (Heb. 9:12). And “haue I purchased to be my” bride, who “hath made herselfe readie”. (From the work “The Fiftieth Year of Jubilee”)
At this hour, 70 weeks will be fulfilled, which were determined for the people of Israel. In an instant, there will be finished the transgression, there will be made an end their sins, and there will be made reconciliation for iniquities (Dan.9: 24). At this hour, the “daughter of Zion” will be forgiven, just as a woman taken in adultery was forgiven (John. 8: 3-11). The remnant of Israel, will change their mindset regarding Jesus Christ. More precisely, a change in their thinking will begin. Starting from a neglect of Him: “Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth?” (John. 1:46), to reverence for Him: “My Lord, and my God” (John. 20:28). It will take one month for a change in the mind to take place and their inner content to change. It is as if the scales had fallen from their eyes, and they had seen (Acts 9:18). One month is the time during which the Marriage Feast will take place.
But the Scripture does not show us the house of the Feast, but its court. Six stone vessels for water, intended for the ritual washing of hands and utensils (Matt. 15: 1,2), stood in the courtyard. When the time came, Jesus told the ministers: “Fill the water pots with water. And they filled them vp to the brimme” (John 2: 7). And suddenly, in an instant, the contents of these vessels changed, and the vessels themselves, according to His word, changed their purpose. Their mission was ritual, and became honorable.
Scripture calls our body the earthly house, (2 Cor. 5: 1), and a vessel that can be filled. The Lord God will pour out spirit of grace and tenderness into every vessel “to the brimme” (John 2: 7) in the house of David.
“And I wil powre vpon the house of Dauid, and vpon the inhabitants of Ierusalem the spirit of grace and of supplications, and they shall looke vpon me whom they haue pearced, and they shal mourne for him, as one mourneth for his onely sonne, and shall be in bitternesse for him, as one that is in bitternesse for his first borne” (Zech.12:10).
This event will occur on the day of Pentecost, and the Scriptures show it to us in the second chapter of the book of Acts.
“Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that God hath made that same Iesus, whom ye haue crucified, both Lord and Christ.
¶ Now when they heard this, they were pricked in their heart, and said vnto Peter, and to the rest of the Apostles, Men and brethren, What shall we doe?
Then Peter said vnto them, Repent, and be baptized euery one of you in the Name of Iesus Christ, for the remission of sinnes, and ye shal receiue the gift of the holy Ghost” (Acts.2:36-38).
And if until this hour they had “the stonie heart” then after they will have “an heart of flesh”. The remnant of Jacob will place faith in the Lord sincerely (Is. 10: 20,21).
“And I wil giue them one heart, and I wil put a new spirit within you: and I will take the stonie heart out of their flesh, and will giue them an heart of flesh” (Ezek.11:19).
In the future Millennium, Israel, subjugating the Gentiles to the faith, will suffer for the name of the Lord. The Lord says: “hee is a chosen vessell vnto me, to beare my Name before the Gentiles, and Kings” (Acts 9:15). Israel, together with the believing Gentiles of the future Millennium, which are not from their “fold”, will make “one fold” with them (John. 10:16). And this will be the last, fourth group of saved people.
According to human reasoning, it can be assumed that the rest of Israel, by the end of The Marriage Supper of the Lamb, will not have time to learn understanding. But Scripture, in the words of the governor of the feast, refutes this. When the governor of the feast, as an outsider, tasted the water, which became wine, he said:
“Euery man at the beginning doth set foorth good wine, and when men haue well drunke, then that which is worse: but thou hast kept the good wine vntill now” (John.2:10).
The changes in the souls of people will be so dramatic that when “ye shall see their way and their doings”, then “ye shalbe comforted concerning the euill that I haue brought vpon Ierusalem, euen concerning all that I haue brought vpon it” (Ezek.14: 22.23), says the Lord God. This is described in more detail in the work “Baptism with the holy Ghost”.
The wine in the stone vessels was no better, but also no worse than the wine that was served before it; it was “good”. As already mentioned, the fourth group of saved people is “members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones” (Eph. 5:30).
When Sarah heard that she would have a son in her old age, she laughed, saying: “Shall I of a surety beare a childe, which am old?” (Gen. 18:13). From a human point of view, this is impossible. But “Is any thing too hard for the LORD?” (Gen. 18:14). The hospitality and Abraham’s refreshments “in the heat of the day” (Gen. 18: 1), is another prototype of The Marriage Feast. Sarah did not appear in the eyes of the Lord and the guests, but she was a participant in what was happening, she heard everything “by the hearing of the eare”. And to the question: “Where is Sarah thy wife?” In other words: “Where is Israel?” The answer is given: “in the tent” (Gen. 18: 9). If the Universe is regarded as a tent, then indeed, Israel will be “in the tent”. The stone vessels in Cana of Galilee as participants in what was happening were also not in the house of the feast, but in the court.
In this prototype, Scripture shows us how the thinking the Israel’s remnant will change. Notice how Sarah’s soul state changes dramatically. First, she internally “laughed” (Gen. 18:12), and then she “was afraid” and began to deny: “I laughed not” (Gen. 18:15) - “I laughed not at Your Word”. Fright, embarrassment, and unbelief is the first reaction of Israel when He is revealed to them.
The meeting of Job with the Lord is a type of meeting of the Lord Jesus Christ with Israel.
“I haue heard of thee by the hearing of the eare: but now mine eye seeth thee. Wherefore I abhorre my selfe, and repent in dust and ashes” (Job.42:5,6).
They are witnesses, chosen before of God, who will eate and drinke with Him after He rises “from the dead” (Acts 10:41)...
At this hour, 70 weeks will be fulfilled, which were determined for the people of Israel. In an instant, their crime will be finished, there will be made an end their sins, and there will be made reconciliation for iniquity (Dan.9:24). Six stone vessels for water, intended for the ritual washing of hands and utensils (Matt.15:12), stood in the courtyard. And when the time came, Jesus said to the ministers: “Fill the water pots with water. And they filled them vp to the brimme” (John 2:7). Suddenly, in an instant there was a change in the contents of these vessels, and the vessels themselves, according to His word, changed their purpose. Their using was ritual, but it became honorable.
Scripture figuratively shows us the changes that will occur with the people of Israel with the beginning of the marriage supper of the Lamb.
Until now, this Great Event has been considered with the participation of called, & chosen, and faithfull. But we did not consider participation of Israel in this event. At that time Jerusalem will be devastated, and in Israel they will say: “The Lord hath forsaken me, and my Lord hath forgotten me” (Is. 49:14). To which the Scripture by the words of Christ answers:
“Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not haue compassion on the sonne of her wombe? yea they may forget, yet will I not forget thee” (Is.49:15).
The Lord Jesus Christ, having risen, will appear to Israel, when the Marriage Feast is completed. Israel will look before Him, “as of one borne out of due time”, as “last of all”.
“And last of all he was seene of me also, as of one borne out of due time” (1Cor.15:8).
In their understanding, this is how they will look in the eyes of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Mother of Jesus, Jesus Christ and His disciples were invited to marriage in Cana of Galilee. Scripture in the type of the mother of Jesus shows us those who are called, & chosen, and faithfull.
“And the third day there was a mariage in Cana of Galilee, and the mother of Iesus was there.
And both Iesus was called, and his disciples, to the marriage” (John.2:1‑2).
Speaking of the events that occurred during the marriage in Cana of Galilee (John 2), the Scriptures, in fact, show us the most solemn moment of The Marriage Supper of the Lamb (Rev. 19: 9). Jesus said: “mine houre is not yet come” (John. 2: 4). And when His hour comes “the mysterie of God should be finished” (Rev. 10: 7). Jesus Christ in king’s attire, with His crown of gold laid on His head, will go out of the Sanctuary “as the Sunne shineth in his strength” and, rejoicing, He will declare to the whole Church of God: called, & chosen, and faithfull, “Ye are witnesses this day” (Ruth. 4: 9) that I have through My Blood obtained “eternall redemption” (Heb. 9:12). And “haue I purchased to be my” bride, who “hath made herselfe readie”. (From the work “The Fiftieth Year of Jubilee”)
At this hour, 70 weeks will be fulfilled, which were determined for the people of Israel. In an instant, there will be finished the transgression, there will be made an end their sins, and there will be made reconciliation for iniquities (Dan.9: 24). At this hour, the “daughter of Zion” will be forgiven, just as a woman taken in adultery was forgiven (John. 8: 3-11). The remnant of Israel, will change their mindset regarding Jesus Christ. More precisely, a change in their thinking will begin. Starting from a neglect of Him: “Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth?” (John. 1:46), to reverence for Him: “My Lord, and my God” (John. 20:28). It will take one month for a change in the mind to take place and their inner content to change. It is as if the scales had fallen from their eyes, and they had seen (Acts 9:18). One month is the time during which the Marriage Feast will take place.
But the Scripture does not show us the house of the Feast, but its court. Six stone vessels for water, intended for the ritual washing of hands and utensils (Matt. 15: 1,2), stood in the courtyard. When the time came, Jesus told the ministers: “Fill the water pots with water. And they filled them vp to the brimme” (John 2: 7). And suddenly, in an instant, the contents of these vessels changed, and the vessels themselves, according to His word, changed their purpose. Their mission was ritual, and became honorable.
Scripture calls our body the earthly house, (2 Cor. 5: 1), and a vessel that can be filled. The Lord God will pour out spirit of grace and tenderness into every vessel “to the brimme” (John 2: 7) in the house of David.
“And I wil powre vpon the house of Dauid, and vpon the inhabitants of Ierusalem the spirit of grace and of supplications, and they shall looke vpon me whom they haue pearced, and they shal mourne for him, as one mourneth for his onely sonne, and shall be in bitternesse for him, as one that is in bitternesse for his first borne” (Zech.12:10).
This event will occur on the day of Pentecost, and the Scriptures show it to us in the second chapter of the book of Acts.
“Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that God hath made that same Iesus, whom ye haue crucified, both Lord and Christ.
¶ Now when they heard this, they were pricked in their heart, and said vnto Peter, and to the rest of the Apostles, Men and brethren, What shall we doe?
Then Peter said vnto them, Repent, and be baptized euery one of you in the Name of Iesus Christ, for the remission of sinnes, and ye shal receiue the gift of the holy Ghost” (Acts.2:36-38).
And if until this hour they had “the stonie heart” then after they will have “an heart of flesh”. The remnant of Jacob will place faith in the Lord sincerely (Is. 10: 20,21).
“And I wil giue them one heart, and I wil put a new spirit within you: and I will take the stonie heart out of their flesh, and will giue them an heart of flesh” (Ezek.11:19).
In the future Millennium, Israel, subjugating the Gentiles to the faith, will suffer for the name of the Lord. The Lord says: “hee is a chosen vessell vnto me, to beare my Name before the Gentiles, and Kings” (Acts 9:15). Israel, together with the believing Gentiles of the future Millennium, which are not from their “fold”, will make “one fold” with them (John. 10:16). And this will be the last, fourth group of saved people.
According to human reasoning, it can be assumed that the rest of Israel, by the end of The Marriage Supper of the Lamb, will not have time to learn understanding. But Scripture, in the words of the governor of the feast, refutes this. When the governor of the feast, as an outsider, tasted the water, which became wine, he said:
“Euery man at the beginning doth set foorth good wine, and when men haue well drunke, then that which is worse: but thou hast kept the good wine vntill now” (John.2:10).
The changes in the souls of people will be so dramatic that when “ye shall see their way and their doings”, then “ye shalbe comforted concerning the euill that I haue brought vpon Ierusalem, euen concerning all that I haue brought vpon it” (Ezek.14: 22.23), says the Lord God. This is described in more detail in the work “Baptism with the holy Ghost”.
The wine in the stone vessels was no better, but also no worse than the wine that was served before it; it was “good”. As already mentioned, the fourth group of saved people is “members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones” (Eph. 5:30).
When Sarah heard that she would have a son in her old age, she laughed, saying: “Shall I of a surety beare a childe, which am old?” (Gen. 18:13). From a human point of view, this is impossible. But “Is any thing too hard for the LORD?” (Gen. 18:14). The hospitality and Abraham’s refreshments “in the heat of the day” (Gen. 18: 1), is another prototype of The Marriage Feast. Sarah did not appear in the eyes of the Lord and the guests, but she was a participant in what was happening, she heard everything “by the hearing of the eare”. And to the question: “Where is Sarah thy wife?” In other words: “Where is Israel?” The answer is given: “in the tent” (Gen. 18: 9). If the Universe is regarded as a tent, then indeed, Israel will be “in the tent”. The stone vessels in Cana of Galilee as participants in what was happening were also not in the house of the feast, but in the court.
In this prototype, Scripture shows us how the thinking the Israel’s remnant will change. Notice how Sarah’s soul state changes dramatically. First, she internally “laughed” (Gen. 18:12), and then she “was afraid” and began to deny: “I laughed not” (Gen. 18:15) - “I laughed not at Your Word”. Fright, embarrassment, and unbelief is the first reaction of Israel when He is revealed to them.
The meeting of Job with the Lord is a type of meeting of the Lord Jesus Christ with Israel.
“I haue heard of thee by the hearing of the eare: but now mine eye seeth thee. Wherefore I abhorre my selfe, and repent in dust and ashes” (Job.42:5,6).
They are witnesses, chosen before of God, who will eate and drinke with Him after He rises “from the dead” (Acts 10:41)...