Hi Andy
That's wonderful you and others have decided to go on a media fast.
Our family has been on a media fast for years now. It feels like being on vacation 24/7. You will be so much happier!
We watch no TV except weekly movies from Netflix. We have cell phones but I don't consider it media unless other features are activated aside from basic communication with one another.
The movies we do watch from Netflix are special, and much more enjoyable. Almost all movies are reviewed at plugged in to ensure they are pure. It's like Christmas each time they arrive. We fast forward the pre-views, unless it is a movie from a Christian Company. Before, even a good movie couldn't be enjoyed as I wanted to see an even better one right after.
Our "media fast" includes whatever it takes to keep our minds away from vulgarities, violence, porn (including racy magazine covers) and porn stories found in traditional magazines. We don't attend Motion Pictures because the pre-views prior to the movie are often a "surprise". Do not subscribe to any newspapers. Shop mainly at grocery stores which do not display racy magazine covers at checkouts. We eat organic so sometimes I need to shop at Bell Air but pay for my food at the coffee checkout area, not the regular checkouts where the racy magazines are.
Some people consider this a list of do not's. Frankly, it' the opposite. It takes effort to go out of your way to place your mind in harm's way to feed it stories of violence, fornication, adultery, swearing, idolitry, materialism etc...
The media is an addiction so it will be hard to overcome it at first. It's just like a drug. Some even pay good money for this junk via Satelitte or cable tv, as I once did. No matter how you try to watch only certain channels, the inappropriate commercials are still there. The internet is different. Hardly is there a time when an accident caused me to see something I shouldn't.
People who deliberately expose themselves to the things God has commanded us to abstain will be judged, as I will be for the ungodly things I do.
Even visiting a persons home with their tv on is quite often embarrassing. Funny, being so desensitized most never even notice the soft porn, gay agenda, or vulgarities on the television commercials.
From my experience, people who avoid the media are fairly well grounded in their value system. It shows in other area's of life as situations arise, they are often easily identifiable.