Well-Known Member
I would agree that part of what God wants us to learn is how to treat our leaders with proper Biblical respect. So maybe we can follow Jesus example and call the President "that fox" as Jesus called Herod. :tongue3:
But that is only the smallest lesson we ought to be learning from this. Believers need to do what we can to change our government lawfully, but more than that we ought to be living Bible and Christ centered lives.
Look at some of the other votes that were made yesterday. Maine and Maryland approved gay marriages. Washington (state)and Colorado approved the recrerational use of Marajuana. Since 1998, in 32 straight votes, states have defeated the gay marriage juggernaut, until yesterday.
The problem isn't how we treat this President. The problem is how we treat our God.
AMEN!!! And you just can't spit in God's face and convince Him that you're doing it for His His glory.