The Purpose
By: luke2427
Twas not some need in God that moved his sovereign hand
To build the universe… so vast, complex and grand.
It was not loneliness within the Triune God,
That drove him to create man from earthen sod.
Perish the thought from earth that God could ever be,
Dissatisfied within His self-sufficiency!
Father, Son and Spirit throughout eternity,
E’er basked in glowing joy of each other’s company.
In time preceding time, before creation’s birth,
When naught but Godhead was, God was filled with mirth.
Nor was the reason that God sought the unique thrill,
To make a creature which possessed complete free will.
One that could choose to serve as well as choose to sin,
As if true love needs such to be called genuine.
If true love required power of contrary choice,
God’s love would not be true, for he e’er but can rejoice
In unrelenting love he has for his dear Son,
His love is such that it can never be undone.
The greatest love is not possessed within free will,
Purest love burns so hot that it can never chill.
What purpose was it then for which he made the world,
Whence against the velvet skies the sparkling stars He hurled?
And why erect the mount and shore up the mighty sea,
And fill the earth with life and breathtaking beauty?
Why save for very last, the making of the man,
Declaring him the peak of God’s own master plan?
Man in God’s own image, would be the means whereby
Each of the Trinity, would the other glorify.
Father, Son and Spirit, through creation would express,
To each other honor, exalting holiness.
From start to finish all fulfills a divine plan,
The fall, cross and triumph; the redemption of man.
God planned it all in love his Son to glorify,
For Father-love the son would enter it and die.
The Son would show the worth of God upon the cross
The Father would exalt his Son who’d bear such loss.
The Spirit would partake in each step along the way,
Always putting the Son and Father on display.
The Son as God would rise, conquering death to declare,
That God alone is life and to Him none compare.
To think that we were made for such a glorious aim
The Trinity by us, their attributes acclaim!
The regenerate heart will forever rejoice,
Exulting in God's plan with heart soul, strength and voice.
But the self-centered man, he can never see,
Naught but man as focus of all eternity.
But God is God-centered as God must ever be,
Putting aught before himself would be idolatry.
God’s love for man is best, when God keeps himself first,
For only in God alone can man's soul e’er quench its thirst.
By: luke2427
Twas not some need in God that moved his sovereign hand
To build the universe… so vast, complex and grand.
It was not loneliness within the Triune God,
That drove him to create man from earthen sod.
Perish the thought from earth that God could ever be,
Dissatisfied within His self-sufficiency!
Father, Son and Spirit throughout eternity,
E’er basked in glowing joy of each other’s company.
In time preceding time, before creation’s birth,
When naught but Godhead was, God was filled with mirth.
Nor was the reason that God sought the unique thrill,
To make a creature which possessed complete free will.
One that could choose to serve as well as choose to sin,
As if true love needs such to be called genuine.
If true love required power of contrary choice,
God’s love would not be true, for he e’er but can rejoice
In unrelenting love he has for his dear Son,
His love is such that it can never be undone.
The greatest love is not possessed within free will,
Purest love burns so hot that it can never chill.
What purpose was it then for which he made the world,
Whence against the velvet skies the sparkling stars He hurled?
And why erect the mount and shore up the mighty sea,
And fill the earth with life and breathtaking beauty?
Why save for very last, the making of the man,
Declaring him the peak of God’s own master plan?
Man in God’s own image, would be the means whereby
Each of the Trinity, would the other glorify.
Father, Son and Spirit, through creation would express,
To each other honor, exalting holiness.
From start to finish all fulfills a divine plan,
The fall, cross and triumph; the redemption of man.
God planned it all in love his Son to glorify,
For Father-love the son would enter it and die.
The Son would show the worth of God upon the cross
The Father would exalt his Son who’d bear such loss.
The Spirit would partake in each step along the way,
Always putting the Son and Father on display.
The Son as God would rise, conquering death to declare,
That God alone is life and to Him none compare.
To think that we were made for such a glorious aim
The Trinity by us, their attributes acclaim!
The regenerate heart will forever rejoice,
Exulting in God's plan with heart soul, strength and voice.
But the self-centered man, he can never see,
Naught but man as focus of all eternity.
But God is God-centered as God must ever be,
Putting aught before himself would be idolatry.
God’s love for man is best, when God keeps himself first,
For only in God alone can man's soul e’er quench its thirst.