Gold Dragon:
My questions were directed at those who threw out accusations of Satan, evil and deception towards Rick Warren.
I'm your Huckleberry. But I'm not accusing anybody of anything, personally. I don't know Warren and don't know whether he's deceived or whether he is consciously asserting a false gospel and serving a false Christ. For several years I thought he was well-intentioned but now I'm not so sure. Right now, I'd guess he just doesn't believe the gospel as it is written - like his mentor Robert Schuller and many others, he just prefers another gospel.
But you are right to want to see the evidence. False teaching and distortion of God's Word is a very serious thing. God absolutely HATES it, as He has made clear over and over again throughout the Scriptures.
So simply go to the link I referenced above and start reading. There are more than 100 articles there. There are a few I don't agree with and some authors I'm not wild about but when you're finished you will have a good understanding of what the PDM is really about.
I should point out again that this thing has breadth but it also has great depth. There is plenty of info linked on this page to expose the mechanics of it, but it is not the easiest reading (this is a very complex and sophisticated deception, and it takes some time for anybody to take it all in). But the inner workings are not limited to the PDM or CGM, but apply to other movements within and without the church. So the effort required will pay off many times over and for many years to come. It is well worth it, and IMHO, knowledge every Christian is going to need.
I am thankful there are Christians who are concerned. God needs people who care enough about His Truth to stand on His Word, and He needs them
right now. We must remember that, like it or not, we are involved in a War between God and Satan and it is intensifying. Some people believe the War will get even more and more intense and will not let up this time. I agree with them. IMO, there are new and more difficult battles just ahead and, as His Bride, we need to become battle-hardened in order to withstand. Either way, this deception is our battle to fight and we must defend ourselves and protect our own ranks. To be sure, there are other battles ongoing right now but in the United States, this is probably the major one. And right now, the true church is taking a merciless pounding.