Well here goes nothing...
I did not intend this to be a Luke-bashing thread. I'm hoping he will see this and respond to the arguments.
I don't think "Luke" will see this thread that way....You didn't create the thread to "bash" Luke....but some will take liscense to de-rail and "bash" the point I think he was making with your thread....but it was absolutely NOT your doing at all.
12....Your posts are almost Universally constructive and informative and posed with a genuinely edifying Christian Spirit...This is not lost on those of us who read you....I made some
EXTREMELY generalized and
SWEEPING statements.....but you
personally were not included
....Please post on sir...
I take it that you are a "Music leader"/ Minister of Music in your Church??? I don't know for sure....Is this correct? BTW....if you aren't...then when I become Senior Pastor of Anything...I have the sense to track you down like a hawk and hire you for any amount of money you demanded...I really mean that! :thumbsup:
I believe Monty is correct in pointing out that while an Evangelistic plea may not be the #1 thing needed at every service...A passioned, clear, God-Exalting preaching/teaching of the Gospel should be there, since it is the #1 reason that we worship God, lifting up Jesus' name above every name...
I will separate your total paragraphical thought in quoting you, because I do not think they are synonymous....The Portion of your post I quote above I agree with un-reservedly...but, I think you are possibly a little too fast to include the rest of your thought in the same idea.
and it is also the power for discipleship, edification, evangelism, church unity, and everything else...I would place emphasis on the Gospel as a higher priority than creating a "worshipful" atmosphere.
Well...I dunno about the "Church-Unity" bit...but this sounds good... However, I do think you are playing a little fast and loose with words like "discipleship" and "evangelism" even "church unity".....I think that you have added a little bit of qualification to Monty's post that was not implicitly there...and I think that you might be advised to slow down just a tad-bit when you include so many definable concepts as you just lumped together....
A people who are gripped by the Gospel will not approach God in a flippant way...even if there is a drum set somewhere in the sanctuary.
This may sound strange...but...I actually think they WOULD!!!!! Mind you, I don't think that they would "MEAN" to...but, I do think they might. You are using the non-quantifiable term "gripped" (by the gospel)...but what would "gripped" mean???? I don't mean to split-hairs, but I have been "gripped" as a teen-ager and also "gripped" as I have grown more in the faith, and I would also be willing to submit unequivocally that the status of being sufficiently "gripped" is actually insufficient for how we should approach God. This is to say that, I think an objectively "appropriate" mind-set or attitude should be impressed upon our populace prior to our taking the liberty of approaching God in what is decidedly a very subjective status of being "gripped"...I think, in some way, there is the subjectivity of being "gripped" <---and I don't actually mean to trivialize it...and there is what I think is the objective attitude that should be impressed upon us by our worship leaders when we are in "worship". I have been on Pastoral Staff at a Church before, and generally, Music Leaders are always defferential to the "Pastoral Staff" in nearly EVERYTHING....but, I almost dislike this....Even when I "OUT-RANKED" the "Music-Minister"...I felt that I should, during the Music/Worship portion of a service that I SUBMITTED to him...He was, in my mind.... the ultimate Pastoral Shepherd of the "Worship" in our service...and I would watch his hands go up and down and side to side in an ultimate state of resigned obedience to how long he held a note...and when he brought us in...and when he thrusted his right hand out-board to cut us off.....I submitted to HIS leadership (even if I was a paid guy and he wasn't) like he was truly instructing my soul in how to directly honor God with my worship...I think a worship leader is a truly important person indeed...and I also think that (not as I am expressing it
per-se) This is part of what Luke is driving at with his post...I believe I know where he is coming from, and I am qualifying what I think he means here...
Good point, but what's the application? Should smaller churches without really good musicians simply not sing, or at least not have choirs, since they cannot measure up? Or should they strive for excellence in their own context, even if excellence for them means allowing that bass who just sings melody to continue in the choir?
Would you understand if I said that the "short answer" is a little bit of both??? No, we don't "fire" the only "bass" (isn't it actually quality
tenors you actually need instead of lazy men un-willing to even test and stretch their vocal chords anyway????)....What I mean, though, is that we truly STRIVE for excellence....If God has chosen to limit our talent...then God can listen to off-key music all he wants, and if he doesn't care for it....then he can give us more talent, or bring more talented people into the Church as he sees fit...but I think we STRIVE for that standard of excellence. And if we don't have it...then, quite frankly, (this is how I pray actually) I will straight-up "talk trash" to God until he gives us the tools and the talent we need to sing with excellence. I believe that Moses was bold enough to tell God what he wanted....even when God was claiming that he would break his Covenant with Israel...and I pray to God like Moses does....
I would actually pray to God something like...this:
I am made in your image, Lord....either, your people, in your image have no ability to sing or praise you, or you have failed in giving the gifts to magnify you that your people should have. If, Lord, you want to be magnifyed in all we do...then grant us the talent and the ability to do so with quality.....We will work, and sacrifice, and practice to our utmost...but, if you are un-moved or un-impressed (and you would prefer that the Egyptians scoff at the music of the God of Israel)....and if you would prefer that the Heathen, then, have no fear of you...than grant us no gift, and refuse to honor our efforts...YOUR CALL!...........Amen"........... Moses prayed like this...so did Abraham...We don't usually. The difference however, is that we usually ask God something like "if it be your will"....(that is a cop-out too often IMO)....We know a LOT!!! about what God's will is...Just tell him: "Lord, it is in fact, according to your word, your will that the "WHOLE EARTH! shall be filled with your glory"....you said that yourself personally in the book of habakukh....so, Lord, I believe you and your word, and I subsequently require that you make good on your humble servants who are willing to follow and obey your word and I (as your son, and, yes, an
HEIR of the whole kingdom...require you Lord to use us, your servants in a powerful way.........or shall the heathen laugh at you as though there were no God in Israel? The Pentecostals
almost have it right....but they don't differentiate between what God's will is and Their's is....but if you are utterly CONFINDENT of God's will, as he has revealed it in his Word...you don't ask him "If it's your will"...NOsir...you "
Name it, and Claim it"...because you have read his word, and he has already told you two things...What his will is, and that he would be faithful to complete it..Therefore, if you have real faith...You take him at his word, and you pray like Moses prayed.
If you think I am TOO off-base....remeber two things...Moses got EXACTLY what he wanted from God...we usually DON'T.
I like this, I may use it!
Too kind...
I'm not familiar with that expression...
Jer 3:3 Therefore the showers have been withholden, and there hath been no latter rain; and thou hadst a whore's forehead, thou refusedst to be ashamed.
It's basically saying....that one is so brazenly sinful...that they no longer blush...a "whore's forehead" is a Prostitute who doesn't even blush anymore. "having her conscience sealed with an hot-iron" as it were.
Modern Parlance:
"Whores who don't sweat in Church"....