I'll stick up for Luke here....While I don't think that there is a "Biblical Warrant" for devoting a "specific service" to "worship" every week (as a calendrical event per se.....I ostensibly agree. I don't think any gathering of the Church should intentionally exclude any of the other facets of our Commission...however, it stands to reason that in a service wherein there are presumed to be none but established (and subsequently presumed re-generate church-members) a passionate plea for the gospel in an Evangelistic fervour may be un-warranted....and a PARTICULAR focus on worship specifically is.
Unless I am mistaken...both in the Hebrew of the OT and the Greek of the NT the word translated for "worship" literally or at least conotatively means "To prostrate oneself before" or something very closely akin to that....While I love my "PETRA" <---best Rock Band ever Secular OR Christian in the History of the Universe...
I do agree that we are SADLY lacking in the average modern Baptist Church for truly "Christ-focused" worship with a Spirit of Awe and Reverence...and indeed, I suppose I would say...FEAR. We play a little fast and loose I think.
While we are all here and since my foot is already completely engulfed by my own mouth...I'm also a little tired of this: "The Bible only says 'sing a joyful noise' therefore no effort or work or attempt at quality is expected when we sing to the Almighty Creator of the Universe" nonsense.
Consider, then, choir, that we bring a SACRIFICE of PRAISE into the house of the Lord...not merely a "dress however you feel like/we practiced for a sum-total of 1.5 hours this week....whether we have a smidgen of talent or have worked sufficiently to even stay in tune...sing-away trash.... We wouldn't DARE...sing to the Queen of England the way we haphazardly slime away marginally in melodic form to the God of the Universe... We take license, folks, with our effort in worship the way we despise those who take license with sin. We will instantly and roundly condemn any who think that since we are all saved by "grace" that we should sin all the more that "grace may abound"...but we don't condemn our own sloth and laziness in worship....
We all know too well the verse which admonishes us to "approach BOLDLY the Throne of Grace"...but we have translated it into the modern Parlance of:
"Go ahead and always 'ditty-bop'- hands in pocket, chewing-gum.-whistling Elvis tunes every time you make free with approaching the God of Heaven and Earth who hath the power to destroy both body and soul in Hell". 'Cause he ain't nothin to be 'fraid of now that we're all "graced-up" and what-not...
For SHAME!!!! All of us!!! FOR SHAME!!....
We ditty-bop into every old Chuch service with a "whores fore-head"....we refuse to be ashamed.
I also think that God has inspired 100-some-odd songs in a Divine hymnbook (sometimes called Psalms) which are ostensibly ignored by his Church.....
Style isn't the sole arbitter by any means...but, I do think it makes a statement. I wish that the normal Baptist Church choir would occassionally sing something (Or...at least try to.)
like this rendition of Psalm 23 by John Rutter
What sickens me personally....is that secular Universities have a truly better grasp of Divine Music than the Average Baptist Church does...and I really mean that. I have little better opinion of the concept of worshipful music concieved of in most of the Fundamentalist "Universities" we "Educate ourselves" at. I sang that particular song at The University of Florida (of all places)...and yes, we were required to wear robes....
I Must be honest....If I had a talented Son who asked me whether he ought to study Music at a Secular State University or Baptist Bible College in Springfield....I would send him to the State University....
Off of soap-box.
EXTREMELY well said in my opinion!