Thomas Sowell in an article published in Townhall calls for a third-party candidate to run against the two candidates that the American people have rejected or disliked in order to cause an Electoral College Deadlock and throw the election into the US House of Representatives where someone normal might emerge as President.
Sowell calls Trump an unmitigated disaster.
Here is Dr. Sowell's conclusion:
What the Republican establishment once feared most -- that Trump would lose the nomination and run on a third party -- now seems to be a danger that has passed. But a far larger danger to something far more important, American society, is that Trump could be elected President of the United States.
Those who talk about "the will of the people" need to know that neither Donald Trump nor Hillary Clinton represents the will of the people. Polls repeatedly show these two with the highest negative reactions of any of the candidates in either party. A majority of the people polled have negative reactions to each.
Hillary Clinton's much-vaunted "experience" has been an experience in carrying out a policy that has failed disastrously from the Middle East to Ukraine to North Korea. We don't need more of that kind of experience.
What was once feared most by the Republican establishment -- a third party candidate for President -- may represent the only slim chance for saving this country from a catastrophic administration in an age of proliferating nuclear weapons.
If a third party candidate could divide the vote enough to prevent anyone from getting an electoral college majority, that would throw the election into the House of Representatives, where any semblance of sanity could produce a better president than these two.
Sowell calls Trump an unmitigated disaster.
Here is Dr. Sowell's conclusion:
What the Republican establishment once feared most -- that Trump would lose the nomination and run on a third party -- now seems to be a danger that has passed. But a far larger danger to something far more important, American society, is that Trump could be elected President of the United States.
Those who talk about "the will of the people" need to know that neither Donald Trump nor Hillary Clinton represents the will of the people. Polls repeatedly show these two with the highest negative reactions of any of the candidates in either party. A majority of the people polled have negative reactions to each.
Hillary Clinton's much-vaunted "experience" has been an experience in carrying out a policy that has failed disastrously from the Middle East to Ukraine to North Korea. We don't need more of that kind of experience.
What was once feared most by the Republican establishment -- a third party candidate for President -- may represent the only slim chance for saving this country from a catastrophic administration in an age of proliferating nuclear weapons.
If a third party candidate could divide the vote enough to prevent anyone from getting an electoral college majority, that would throw the election into the House of Representatives, where any semblance of sanity could produce a better president than these two.