Keep in mind he's been widowed once and twice divorced.
Are you sure it was only TWICE divorced, Squire? I've heard them say many times that he's been divorced three times, all three redheads. The first ex was married to Fornel (sp) after he was, and then he married another whom he was with for, I believe they said was 18 months before he divorced her. The last divorced him. Now, this is coming from my wife as well, though we don't agree on the lengths of time married to each one. His total marriages? 4
Now as far as Tony not being on the show, I could handle that. I thought he had been there far too long compared to the other characters. Many didn't think that when "Ziva" departed that the show would last, but it has. I wasn't fond of Sasha Alexander in the first few seasons, and not really fond of "blondie" as I call her...don't know what her name is...Bishop I think.
This is one of my wife's favorite shows. I can take it or leave it for now.