oh you must mean the type of emotional you display in every post of yours on this topic.
No. I'm not emotionally tied to the subject (I'm vaccinated already).
I post because a counterpoint needs to be present and for some reason so many "Christians" have resorted to utilizing misinformation.
The emotional attachment I have is not to the topic but a bit of saddness over the fact Christians have fallen away from the faith in terms of character to "support" their position.
For example, you referred to a member posting an article deliberately misquoting a CDC source as an example of "integrity". You praised the article as a "great source" for yellow journalism and misquoted. You aligned yourself with CNBC, which woukd be kinda humorous if not so sad. You posted articles that proved to be false and simply chose not to respond rather than acknowledge the mistake.
This topic has made me realize I had respected a few members (even though we disagreed on several issues) that should not have been respected as they lack Christian character.
I understand some of these guys are only afraid and need to latch on to anything that will provide them comfort. They have a choice regarding the vaccine and have for the most part been shown to be wrong. But they have made it political and have already pitched their tents in a camp. Pride keeps them from considering consequences and fear keeps them from being honest.
So there is some emotional attachment, but not to the topic. But I post only to provide counter views and highlight the character of a few.