Our in-laws brought a Christian video for us last Christmas [of which they never heard themselves and borrowed a little later but of which they haven’t returned yet
]. If I am not mistaken it was one of the creations of Gloria and Bill Gaither. They had good music, with a mixture of some light CCM
as well as a collection of short personal testimonies on it. I remember one particular testimony by a lady singer, whose daughter later joined her on the platform. Their story was so moving that I couldn’t watch them without having tears in my eyes. Here is the story, as I recall it.
The lady singer, whose name I forgot, related her story somewhat like this. She was a young college student when she was raped off campus. She was so desperate that she did not know what to do. She did not hear of abortion, so she hid her condition as long as she could. Her parents wanted her to get rid of the baby, for they felt stigmatized by it. Nevertheless when the time of delivery came their daughter gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, of which they promptly put up for adoption. They considered it a total disgrace to have a baby out of wedlock and they wanted to preserve the appearance of properness in the life of their daughter. They never have seen the baby again.
Their daughter completed college, eventually got married to a respectable young man and the two established a family. Since she was endowed with many talents she became a singer. Somewhere along the line she met the Lord and she got saved. From that moment on her heart was yearning to know what happened to her baby of long ago. But could not get herself to the point of searching for her lost baby. The quilt in her heart was weighing her down. Years passed by in this manner.
In the mean while a Christian couple, who adopted her baby, raised up their daughter in the fear of the Lord. They loved her as she would be their very own. The young girl grew up loving the Lord and never tasting the world. Later she married to an impressionable young man and the two were blessed by the Lord with children of their own. The adopted parents, however, let her know that she was given to them as a gift by God and that somewhere out there she must have a biological mother. They left it in her hands if she wanted to search for her biological mother. Years passed by and while she would never leave her adopted parents, for she loved them as if they were her own flesh and blood, her heart was yearning to know who was her biological mother. So one day she started to research adoption papers and followed the trails. Soon she had to hire a detective agency to do the final zeroing in on the location of her Mom.
When she learned about who her Mom was, she was contemplating on how she would approach her. So she did what most in similar circumstances would do. She called her biological Mother up on the phone. She introduced herself by giving a short bio, then she told her Mom that she understood why things happened to her the way it did. But she reassured her Mom that it was in the sovereign plan of God that things happened the way they did, and as a result she learned to know and love the Lord as her Savior. She then was wondering if her Mom would be willing to meet her and see her children as well. I don’t think I have to tell you the response from the other side of the phone. There was a lot of crying, but the two eventually set a date to meet. In the mean while her Mom told her that she was saved also, and would it happen to her now she would never abandon her baby girl.
As the lady singer was relating this story to the audience, she asked a young lady in the front rows to come up to the platform and stand beside her. It was her biological daughter of whom she abandoned many years ago. The two hugged and kissed, and then it was the daughter’s turn to give her testimony about her family and the love of the Lord. The most moving part was when she thanked her Mom for not having an abortion many years before, but carrying her to full term and giving her life. She was telling of her adoptive parents, their love of her and of the Lord, and that she is today because of what they instilled in her heart. And she said that she was so fortunate to have two sets of Moms, and how much she loved them both for what they have given her. I can tell you that there was not a dry pair of eyes in the audience. Sorry for not remembering the name of the lady singer, but I thought you may appreciate the story.
Needless to say that I for one am against abortion, and abortion clinics, but I also maintain, of what has been voiced here on this thread, that judgment belongs to the Lord. I believe that when Jesus whipped the money exchangers out of the temple, He exercised His divine prerogative and not His human judgment. So, when we hear of individuals who take upon themselves to punish the abortionist doctors and clinics, they are in fact taking matters into their hands of which only God and His instrument here on earth is ordained to do (which is the government). And when the government fails to regulate these matters in a way, which would be in the sovereign will of the Lord, then the Lord interevenes and punishes the wayward nation - of which you can be traced down throughout human history. Well, that was my two-cent’s worth on this subject. And, oh yes, I do not approve of the media's coverage of this whole matter for the reasons many of you quoted.
[ December 08, 2001: Message edited by: Barnabas ]