This was not just a "dumb statement". It was a statement - supported apparently by a lot of people, including Huckabee - which revealed the man's ignorance of the female body and of what constitutes rape.
But you are getting into opinions rather than factual evidences.
I started a thread already and had to leave it because it was asserted that young girls who experience "statutory rape" are "whores" and "the Bible says so". And not one man on this board who read those words came to the defense of young women who are intellectually, spiritually, mentally, or emotionally manipulated by older men into having sex. "The Bible says that they are whores". The statement still stands on that thread.
I didn't see it, but for the record, I say rape victums are not whores and I doubt the bible says anything different, at least I have never come across that one.
The man claimed that women who are raped cannot get pregnant - that the female body can distinguish between friendly sperm and foe sperm. "A woman's body can shut those things down"
You said quite a bit more than what Akin said. You are injecting your own interpretation of his words. Maybe he could explain it better than you have, if you would be willing to consider.
And what is "legitimate" rape? Is it something opposed to she-had-it-coming rape? She-was-asleep/unconscious-and couldn't-say-no rape? They-were-making-out-already-and-once-you-get-to-second-base-she-CAN'T-say-no rape? She-was-16-and-he-was-45-ergo-she's-a whore rape?
There you go again, filling his comment with your own interpretations. When I heard his satement for the first time I knew exactly what he was reffering to. We have laws on the books which call consentual sex between a boy friend and girl friend "rape" if the boy is 18 or over and the girl is 17 or younger. The scenarios that you have listed would be "legitimate" rapes. Our satutory laws need some reform.
This wasn't about a gaffe or a slip of the tongue. It was about an attitude of disdain for young women old enough to "know better" and a profound ignorance of where babies come from.
I don't see why people can't see that
I don't think it was a gaffe or slip of the tongue at all. I clearly understand what he meant by legitimate rape and as far as the women's bodies having a way of shutting down to rape, well that may be stupid unless he has some kind of scientific evidence, but it doesn't justify an assault on the man.
If you really consider all you claim he said, well, we are not to bear a false witness you know? You have gone way beyond what the man actually said and have declared it is what the man believes. This is itself a sin. no?