New Member
I've got not so much a problem with an increased minimum wage -- it's been behind the inflation curve for 14 years now -- as I do with the way the effort is being framed. It could be couched in reasonable language, cognitive arguments put forth about the economic realities, etc. Instead, the Ignoble Traitor in the White House has determined to use a big axe to cut the populace right down the middle, pitting "haves" against "have-nots." He is essentially saying, "If you don't make a living wage, it's somebody's fault," and he's going to point at the successful wage earner. Unfortunately, the "middle class" he's always been whining about disappearing holds the vast majority of successful wage earners in the country, so he is making us the enemy.The Obama administration has set the stage for a push that could rekindle cries of class warfare -- calling for renewed long-term unemployment benefits, a minimum wage increase and a campaign against what Democrats call "income inequality."
Ahead of his multi-week, holiday vacation in Hawaii, President Obama pushed Congress to move forward on extending federal unemployment benefits that weren't included in the budget deal Senate Democrats and House Republicans struck to fund the federal government for the next two years. The White House has scheduled an East Room event on Tuesday in which the president will appear with people who lost that insurance.
Before the break, Obama called on Congress to follow the lead of 14 states that hiked their minimum wages and do the same for the federal wage.
Does this have any ring of history for anyone? Try the Leninist revolution, in which the Marxist philosophy quickly replaced a softer, gentler socialism brought forth by the Bolsheviks in 1917 Russia.