The ACLU comes in for a lot of hate on a BB like this one. However ........................................
On March 20, staff at Tennessee's Cannon County REACH after-school program reportedly told a student he was not allowed to read his Bible at school. If they let him read the Bible on school property, staff allegedly told the boy's mother, they ran the risk of being shut down by the state.
The American Civil Liberties Union of Tennessee (ACLU-TN) stepped in when the student's mother contacted them, seeing in the case a clear misunderstanding of what the First Amendment of the Constitution really says about religious freedom.
As Thomas H. Castelli, ACLU-TN legal director, outlined the case in a statement:
"The First Amendment exists to protect religious freedom. While this means that schools may not impose or promote religion, it also means that students can engage in religious activities that they initiate, provided they do not cause a disruption or interfere with the education of other students."