The same five questions over and over again. This is one of them. I answered this just a few days go.
My wife wants the computer now. Just look around here and you will see it. Or, if not, I will answer later - again ; )
OK, for those who want to see my answer again, here it is again. This is from 12/29 on a different thread. Same question:
The key issue here is just
what the purpose of communion should be. Preacher4truth wrote:
"Since we are instructed to do such as a memorial to Christ, and to signify His returning"
Let's look at the verse:
" For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do shew the Lord's death till he come. " - 1 Cor. 11:26
Now there is
signifying happening in this verse, but it is not the Lord's
coming. It is the Lord's
death. When I said that "There is no such verse" I merely meant that the verse was being used to say what it did not say.
Now, as to whether Preterists should now no longer observe Communion, since we believe the Lord's Parousia is already here: We are certainly free to observe it. Personally I always look forward to Communion.
The pivotal word here is that "
until". This is just like the "
until" in the Great Commission. Christ will be with us until "the end of the age".
Does this mean that after the end of the age Christ will
no longer be with us? Of course not. Wherever we place the "
end of the age", both Preterists, and futurists understand that Christ is still with us, and will be forever.
The same applies to this passage that you brought up.
There are three or four other passages in the Bible which uses the "
until" in this (seemingly) misleading sense. If needed, I can dig them up.