Florida Church To Hold "International Burn A Koran Day
Now, these are un-American statements, if I ever heard one.
If I recall, the Mayflower pilgrims came to the New World precisely because they seek the freedom to worship God according to the dictates of their conscience.
I agree there shouldn't be a mosque at or near ground zero for sensitivity reasons, what we call "delicadeza" in our language in the Philippines, but those statements stifle freedom of religion and individuality.
A church in Florida plans to burn Korans on the anniversary of 9/11 this year, drawing fire from American Muslims and pundits already engaged in debate about a planned mosque near Ground Zero.
Dove World Outreach Center, a New Testament Church in Gainesville, will burn the Koran on the night of Sept. 11 "to stand against the evil of Islam." Its senior pastor, Terry Jones, is author of a new book, "Islam is of the Devil."....................................
"There is only one true book, and that is the Bible," Jones says in an episode of his Braveheart Show on YouTube. "Demand that all Moslems that are here must adapt to our values, that they become Americans... You come here... you adapt to our values, our Constitution, our way of life... We should stop, immediately, the building of all mosques in America."
Now, these are un-American statements, if I ever heard one.
If I recall, the Mayflower pilgrims came to the New World precisely because they seek the freedom to worship God according to the dictates of their conscience.
I agree there shouldn't be a mosque at or near ground zero for sensitivity reasons, what we call "delicadeza" in our language in the Philippines, but those statements stifle freedom of religion and individuality.