Or it can simply be a way a person is wired from birth.but here's what i got to say ==> ADD/ADHD can be a disease. it can also be caused by spiritual warfare. it goes both ways. but WHY do we need to go to some flippin specialist for it? doesn' GOD HEAL PEOPLE??
Well, since I agree it is grossly misdiagnosed and don’t really deem it as a disease I have very little respect for what the “specialist” say about it myself in that light.i don't give a care to what specialists say about the disease - i don't care when they deem it to be a disease or not.
God heals. heck i was labelled as ADD... i ain't ADD anymore. wanna know the reason why? do ya? GOD IS THE REASON.
The reason is is that you didn’t have ADD in the since that I know it. Tons of people are falsely diagnosed with ADD, not only do I seriously doubt you ever experienced the real issue but it makes it null whether or not you have it anymore. If you were wired with a serious form of ADD it would be a miracle comparable to the parting of the Red Sea, in my opinion, to be instantly cured!
why go to a specialist? doesn't God heal these days? doesn't prayer work anymore?
If I had the chance to be helped with methods of learning to cope or improve against distractions/interruptions in thought by a “specialist” I would jump at the chance and thank God for it. Yes, God heals and prayer does work; I live the ongoing process and glory in the results, but again if it happened overnight in the form of a miracle, well all I could say is that would be a very overwhelming experience.
ADD as I know and understand it is not what every Tom, Dick and Harry says they or their kids have, in that since it may be some hyperactivity in normal growth patterns that need to be dealt with through these ideas of nutrition, discipline, and teaching and possibly caused by some form of lazyness. I don’t doubt there are doctors that question whether or not it exists as it has become a catch-all phrase with a perfect example right here on this board of someone saying “I ain’t ADD anymore” I doubt you come close to understanding it or ever had what you take credit for getting over and I’ll second the HOOEY!