Back to the OP: Oppression? Oppression? Okay, let us leave and take all of our goodies we have left with us, even down to the flak jackets.
Let them fend. Oppression? They want their women to wear burqas and their kids to be killed for their body organs? Or their kids to be sex slaves? How about the public hangings and heads cut off and hands cut off? Or groups rounded up and put into shipping containers and left to suffocate? Let them have their way of life.
Edited to say: It is not America, it is their religion. They rejected the Gospel many years ago. Once upon a time, Baptists used to be in Afghanistan. Once upon a time, that country heard the Gospel. Now it is outlawed and our politically correct leaders (both Bush and Obama) have forbade anything offensive to muslims in the region.
When the war in Afghanistan first started, I used to go on Afghanistan message boards, which were hosted and run here in the US. The people that posted there were over here, not in their home country, and the posts were full of hate for America and yet, they live here!!!
I quit posting there because of the venom and afraid of getting a virus.
Don't forget, before 09/11, the Taliban were in Texas for talks to set up a deal.
But to say Americans are oppressing or colonizing is utter nonsense.
Talked to an ex-Marine the other day. He verified, having been in both Afghanistan and Iraq, that indeed, the people there DO hate us. It is their religion.