"Americans need to hold Obama up to the SAME standards they would for a white President!" - Allen West
Do you agree or disagree?
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"Americans need to hold Obama up to the SAME standards they would for a white President!" - Allen West
Do you agree or disagree?
Bush never violated the Constitution.ROFL .... yeah like Bush was given a free hand to take us into one disaster after another.
Bush never violated the Constitution.
Bush never said: If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor!
Bush never said: If you like your plan you can keep your plan!
Bush was not a constant liar.
Bush was not afraid to call Islamic Terrorists "Islamic Terrorists". Therefore, Bush never raised suspicions about what his religion was.![]()
Obamma has converted Bush's accomplishments into disasters.
Obamma has added twice the debt in 6 years that Bush added in 8 and the country is in the longest recession since the Roosevelt Depression.
Bush did not roll his eyes when he gave a speech.![]()
Unlike Obamma Bush was not the "Abortionist in Chief"!
Bush never violated the Constitution.
Bush never said: If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor!
Bush never said: If you like your plan you can keep your plan!
Bush was not a constant liar.
Bush was not afraid to call Islamic Terrorists "Islamic Terrorists". Therefore, Bush never raised suspicions about what his religion was.
Obamma has converted Bush's accomplishments into disasters.
Obamma has added twice the debt in 6 years that Bush added in 8 and the country is in the longest recession since the Roosevelt Depression.
Bush did not roll his eyes when he gave a speech.
Unlike Obamma Bush was not the "Abortionist in Chief"!
Fact..abortions are at lower than Bush levels under Obama.
Bush never violated the Constitution.
For the sake of those who missed it, ABC's Charles Gibson recently interviewed President George W. Bush. Here is a verbatim transcript from that interview:
Q. "Do we all worship the same God, Christian and Muslim?"
A. "I think we do. We have different routes of getting to the Almighty."
Q. "Do Christians and non-Christians and Muslims go to heaven in your mind?"
A. "Yes they do. We have different routes of getting there."
Then, just a few days ago, President Bush, in an interview with Al Arabiya television, said, "I believe in an almighty God, and I believe that all the world, whether they be Muslim, Christian, or any other religion, prays to the same God." In the same interview he said, "I believe there is a universal God. I believe the God that the Muslim prays to is the same God that I pray to. After all, we all came from Abraham. I believe in that universality."
That is subject to interpretation but abortions have been going down since 1990.
Primary, nationwide abortion statistics for the United States are available from two sources—privately from the Guttmacher Institute (AGI) and publicly from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). In recent years, California, Maryland, and New Hampshire have not publicly released their abortion totals—rendering the CDC numbers incomplete. The following information has been gleaned from both sources to provide an overview of the frequency and demography of abortion. Additional, secondary statistics have been taken from the National Abortion Federation's (NAF) 2009 teaching text on abortion, Management of Unintended and Abnormal Pregnancy: Comprehensive Abortion Care.
1. The annual number of legal induced abortions in the United States doubled between 1973 and 1979, and peaked in 1990. There was a slow but steady decline through the 1990's. Overall, the number of annual abortions decreased by 6% between 2000 and 2009, with temporary spikes in 2002 and 2006 (CDC).
2. In 2011, approximately 1.06 million abortions took place in the U.S., down from an estimated 1.21 million abortions in 2008, 1.29 million in 2002, 1.31 million in 2000 and 1.36 million in 1996. From 1973 through 2011, nearly 53 million legal abortions occurred in the U.S. (AGI).
3. Based on available state-level data, an estimated 984,000 abortions took place in 2013—down from an estimated 1.02 million abortions in 2012.
4. In 2011, the highest number of reported abortions occurred in California (181,730)
5. Black women were 3.7 times more likely to have an abortion in 2011 than non-Hispanic white women (CDC).
6. The abortion rate of non-metropolitan women is about half that of women who live in metropolitan counties (NAF).
7. The abortion rate of women with Medicaid coverage is three times as high as that of other women (NAF).
Originally Posted by OldRegular
Bush was not afraid to call Islamic Terrorists "Islamic Terrorists". Therefore, Bush never raised suspicions about what his religion was.
But the third era truly began on October 6 with Mr. Bush's speech to the National Endowment for Democracy. He not only gave several names to the force behind terrorism ("Some call this evil Islamic radicalism; others, militant Jihadism; still others, Islamo-fascism"), but he provided ample details. In particular, he:
1. Presented this "murderous ideology" of Islamic radicals "the great challenge of our new century."
2. Distinguished it from the religion of Islam.
3. Drew parallels between radical Islam and communism (both are elitist, cold-blooded, totalitarian, disdainful of free peoples, and fatefully contradictory), then noted in how many ways the U.S. war on radical Islam "resembles the struggle against communism in the last century."
4. Pointed out the three-step Islamist drive to power: ending Western influence in the Muslim world, gaining control of Muslim governments, and establishing "a radical Islamic empire that spans from Spain to Indonesia."
5. Explained the "violent, political vision" of radical Islam as comprising an agenda "to develop weapons of mass destruction, to destroy Israel, to intimidate Europe, to assault the American people, and to blackmail our government into isolation."
6. Defined its ultimate goal: "to enslave whole nations and intimidate the world."
7. Observed that Muslims themselves have the burden of doing the "most vital work" to fight Islamism.
8. Called on "all responsible Islamic leaders to join in denouncing" this ideology and taking steps against it.
The detailed texture of Mr. Bush's speech transforms the official American understanding of who the enemy is, moving it from the superficial and inadequate notion of "terrorism" to the far deeper concept of "Islamic radicalism." This change has potentially enduring importance if finally, 26 years later, it convinces polite society to name the enemy.
For all the Constitution breaking that the lot of you claim Obama has done, he hasn't done anywhere near the damage to the cause of Christ as did George Bush. I wonder why political conservatives don't talk about this. Perhaps because they are political conservatives but not spiritual conservatives.
Barack Obama, a Muslim's Useful Idiot
By George Neumayr
"The most beautiful sound in the world," according to Barack Obama, is the Islamic call to prayer. So it is no surprise that one of the ancillary events at the Democratic Party's convention in Charlotte will feature two hours of "Jumah" (Friday) prayers.
The Blaze reports that the Democratic National Committee has teamed up with radical Muslims to promote the event. The event's promotional video is less than reassuring, promising to call out "anti-Shariah" views.
Politics makes strange bedfellows, but a DNC that touts Sandra Fluke and Jumah organizers in the same breath strains that maxim to its breaking point. Were Sandra Fluke living in Saudi Arabia instead of Georgetown, she would be stoned to death.
So how does one explain this exceedingly odd and unholy alliance? The answer apparently lies in another old political maxim: the enemy of one's enemy is one's friend.
Sandra Fluke and Islam, in other words, share the same foe -- conservative Christians and Jews. It is safe to say that Muslims are not supporting Obama for his position on gay marriage and free contraceptives. But they do appreciate his hostility to Israel and America's Christian traditions. This stance gives Muslims confidence that in the socialist and secularist state to come under Obama a safe refuge will be carved out for them.
Islam is the one religion for which Obama feels real enthusiasm. His own nominal religion leaves him cold and critical. Does he believe in the tenets of Christianity or even understand them? "That's hard to tell," said the longtime pastor of his soul, Jeremiah Wright, to author Ed Klein in the book The Amateur.
Wright said that the Obamas chose his church for political, not religious, reasons, and that "church is not their thing." He also noted that Obama's religious knowledge upon meeting him consisted entirely of bits and pieces he had picked up from Islam. Perhaps this explains Obama's baffling comment in April of this year about Jesus Christ not as the Son of God but as "a" Son of God. Who are the other sons? Obama didn't say. The remark indicated that he has a very foggy notion of the Trinity, bordering on the biological conception of it pushed by Muslims.
While Obama reveres the Koran -- he wouldn't dare subject it to politically correct revision -- he feels free to mock the Bible as offensive and retrograde. For example, he doesn't care for St. Paul's Letter to the Romans, once dismissing it as "obscure." (Obama evidently finds St. Paul homophobic.) Nor does he like the Book of Leviticus. And he says in The Audacity of Hope that he would have called the police on Abraham.
I doubt that many people in this country were adversely affected by President Bush's comments.
They don't see him as a Billy Graham. However, consider Obama and the democrats:
Now we know!
Bull!The man stated to 1.5 billion folks on the way to hell that they serve the same God as Christians. There are people outside the United States.
BULL!He was The President of the United States. HE was much better known than Billy Graham could have ever been and had far more immediate influence.
I agree completely. Just consider what Obama says and what others say about him!There's no comparison between anything Obama has said about Islam and the statement George Bush made on three separate occasions.
Barack Obama, a Muslim's Useful Idiot
By George Neumayr
"The most beautiful sound in the world," according to Barack Obama, is the Islamic call to prayer. So it is no surprise that one of the ancillary events at the Democratic Party's convention in Charlotte will feature two hours of "Jumah" (Friday) prayers.
The Blaze reports that the Democratic National Committee has teamed up with radical Muslims to promote the event. The event's promotional video is less than reassuring, promising to call out "anti-Shariah" views.
Politics makes strange bedfellows, but a DNC that touts Sandra Fluke and Jumah organizers in the same breath strains that maxim to its breaking point. Were Sandra Fluke living in Saudi Arabia instead of Georgetown, she would be stoned to death.
So how does one explain this exceedingly odd and unholy alliance? The answer apparently lies in another old political maxim: the enemy of one's enemy is one's friend.
Sandra Fluke and Islam, in other words, share the same foe -- conservative Christians and Jews. It is safe to say that Muslims are not supporting Obama for his position on gay marriage and free contraceptives. But they do appreciate his hostility to Israel and America's Christian traditions. This stance gives Muslims confidence that in the socialist and secularist state to come under Obama a safe refuge will be carved out for them.
Islam is the one religion for which Obama feels real enthusiasm. His own nominal religion leaves him cold and critical. Does he believe in the tenets of Christianity or even understand them? "That's hard to tell," said the longtime pastor of his soul, Jeremiah Wright, to author Ed Klein in the book The Amateur.
Wright said that the Obamas chose his church for political, not religious, reasons, and that "church is not their thing." He also noted that Obama's religious knowledge upon meeting him consisted entirely of bits and pieces he had picked up from Islam. Perhaps this explains Obama's baffling comment in April of this year about Jesus Christ not as the Son of God but as "a" Son of God. Who are the other sons? Obama didn't say. The remark indicated that he has a very foggy notion of the Trinity, bordering on the biological conception of it pushed by Muslims.
While Obama reveres the Koran -- he wouldn't dare subject it to politically correct revision -- he feels free to mock the Bible as offensive and retrograde. For example, he doesn't care for St. Paul's Letter to the Romans, once dismissing it as "obscure." (Obama evidently finds St. Paul homophobic.) Nor does he like the Book of Leviticus. And he says in The Audacity of Hope that he would have called the police on Abraham.
"The most beautiful sound in the world," according to Barack Obama, is the Islamic call to prayer. So it is no surprise that one of the ancillary events at the Democratic Party's convention in Charlotte will feature two hours of "Jumah" (Friday) prayers.
I agree completely. Just consider what Obama says and what others say about him!
After his last post if you continue to engage him you are just being foolish.
You're always talking about my posts out one side of your neck while trying to tell other folks not to engage me out the other side of your neck.
Guess that's what's hot in your pulpit.
Actually, Rev has a good point. Debating with you is like fighting the Borg .... resistance is futile :laugh:
That is subject to interpretation but abortions have been going down since 1990.
Primary, nationwide abortion statistics for the United States are available from two sources—privately from the Guttmacher Institute (AGI) and publicly from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). In recent years, California, Maryland, and New Hampshire have not publicly released their abortion totals—rendering the CDC numbers incomplete. The following information has been gleaned from both sources to provide an overview of the frequency and demography of abortion. Additional, secondary statistics have been taken from the National Abortion Federation's (NAF) 2009 teaching text on abortion, Management of Unintended and Abnormal Pregnancy: Comprehensive Abortion Care.