Disney represents the well-beloved ‘Christian’ leaders who draw their power, authority and financial success from the masses who desire their ears to be tickled with preaching that compliments their unregenerate souls.
Disney's parks are resorts where people go to relax and get away from the stress and strain of everyday life.
Their churches are like resorts, comfortable and relaxing, where the stress and strain of a sinful life can be forgotten for a few hours.
What stress or strain? I thought, according to Calvinism, that these people are totally depraved, dead to God--they are walking corpses. How do corpses have stress and strain? They're DEAD!! Why would they want to escape sin? They are totally depraved and don't seek God! They think they are on the right path, they don't need a respite from it.
Both Disney and the false prophets refuse to warn their customers/patrons/congregants of the whole truth.
Instead of posting signs or preaching that which actually explains what the real issue is, they issue a lukewarm, non-inflammatory warning like ‘No Swimming’ or ‘God loves you so much, it will pain Him greatly if you choose against Christ and go to Hell.’
You seem to have an unending supply of strawmen. Name one preacher that preaches God will be offended and pained if a person doesn't choose Him.
The alligator represents our enemy, the Devil, seeking whom he may devour.
He does this by stealth, like the Papal Antichrist, who, as a tare sown among the wheat, does not openly declare war on Christ, but by doctrine and practice reveals His unmitigated hatred of Christ, His Father and true Christianity.
So alligators aren't simply doing what they do by nature, eat things made of meat, they actually hate humans and seek them out?!! They make war on humans!
Our cunning enemy is always on watch, though hidden from view of the general public, as well as ignorant unregenerate professing Christians. He is ever seeking the foolish and naïve.
I've got to believe that had the parents of this two year old been watching their child they would have seen a seven foot alligator swimming in less than a foot of water.
Your analogy fails.