They are Hispanic, first, but more importantly; they are border jumpers; criminals; illegal aliens...and the only way they can continue to live and pay the rent and feed the family is to break all our other laws, like driving without a license and insurance [or buying a fake license], hiding from the law to avoid being sent back to their homelands.
Have you ever watched what happens at a DUI check point? Gobs of cars are trying to turn down streets before they get to the checkpoint, while other go s far as to drive their car over the medium in order to make a u-turn!
And having been involved in quite a few checkpoints, I can see, by looking into the cars, that the majority of those turning around are of Hispanic heritage, and probably illegals or drunk or both, and for sure if they are illegals, they have faked IDs and DLs and no proof of insurance, and they do not want to be sent home.
This is a terrible way to live, running from the law! Even so, California is full of illegals doing just that .... running from the law!