Well-Known Member
You don't know him from Adam, how dare you tell him what he wants and question his work ethic. So you got good work evaluations and ride a horse...yippee. The work place is not the same as it was 30 years ago. Gone are the days of getting an entry level job and staying with a company your whole life receiving a nice pension at the end (unless a public employee). With your attitude, the modern day employment environment would chew you up and spit you out.
The frequency of prideful, antagonistic preachers and 'pastors' on this site sickening.
He gave his thoughts on the matter just as everyone else did. More of a problem than the prideful, antagonistic preachers are the bite your head off if my POV is different from yours types.
evangelist, keep on pressing on in Christ. The battle has already been won so you know that God has a great purpose for eveything that He continues to see you through.