This is from a pastor from the last election -- I think it still rings true today ---
"Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Romans 13:1
By now you have probably had your fill of the political season. Every four years America has to endure a brutal and bitter time of mud-slinging, and we are left having to sift through the assertions and promises.
In less than two weeks all that will be laid to rest (hopefully!), as the election will be past and our President and other important officials and measures decided.
Some decide that they hate politics and as a result they skip the vote all together. For Americans this is a right, but as Christians we don’t have this option. The Scriptures clearly teach that our place in the government is God-ordained, as it is for our leaders. To not participate in the process is to reject God’s rule in your life as it pertains to your citizenship.
I know, I know – God is Sovereign, so whomever He wants in office will get there anyhow. Yes, God is Sovereign, but He has ordained that you participate in the unfolding of His plan just as He ordains parents to participate in the upbringing of their children (they don’t put them on the streets saying that God is Sovereign and will care for them anyhow, do they?).
For the Christian, one’s peace is that God IS Sovereign, which allays all fear that if ‘he’ (whoever ‘he’ is) gets into office the nation will go down the drain. The nation will go where God wants it, but even our participation in an election in which our candidate of choice is not elected is His will.
Through the years I have heard a lot of Christians complain about their elected officials (okay, I admit that I have too – so sue me), and this too is our right, but to not vote and then whine is unspeakable.
Maybe we as Christians can help the country not be so divided. If we believe in a Sovereign God (and we do), and if indeed our status is ordained by God (and it is), then we can be the gracious ones who demonstrate that there is a higher Authority than a mere mortal (and there is!).
The question is, ‘Is there ever a reason to not vote?’ The answer is, ‘Yes,’ if you find yourself in a moral dilemma because in good conscience you cannot vote for either candidate. That then becomes a vote of conscience.
Finally, let the Gospel be the transparency under which you judge who and what you vote for. This is why I don’t tell you who to vote for or who stands for what – you have the information available from any number of resources and you have the Gospel–– so use it. Vote the Gospel in your vote. In the end God gets the Glory, regardless of the outcome. For this we praise Him.
By the way, I still hope my candidate wins…"
Your post was very thoughtful as well as insightful and I agree with all that you have typed. :godisgood:
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