That's good to hear. But did you know MANY people call the sinner's prayer heresy? I am on a cell phone and cannot copy and paste, but if you Google "sinner's prayer" you will find literally dozens of sites that say the sinner's prayer is a heresy and that they never encourage anyone to pray to be saved, even though we have the example of the publican praying for forgiveness in scripture.
You don't agree with these folks that call the sinner's prayer a heresy do you?
Do you think it correct to discourage a person from praying for salvation?
I do agree with folks about "the sinners prayer" thing to an extent being wrong.
Too many times, and you've seen me write this, we have those who use manipulative means to "save" people.
"Would you like to know that if you died right now you'd go to heaven?" Then they lead them in a sinners prayer and tell them they are now going to heaven. This is no more converting a sinner than joining Watch Tower. You never see this person change, nor come to church and serve God in any capacity.
(This is the rule, not the exception.)
Now if a person genuinely drawn to God about being lost (not necessarily just
"wanting assurance they are going to heaven") but drawn to God to be forgiven of sins, knowing they are lost, and wants to pray and make it "official" that they have trusted Christ, and pray and thank Him &c then I believe in that prayer definitely.
But "The Sinners Prayer?" Not so much.
Imagine Peter at Pentecost standing up saying
"How many of you would like to know 100% that if you died you go to Heaven?" "Now repeat after me..." What a
total disgrace this would be to the Gospel message and all that Christ did previously. Instead of that he preached the Gospel (the Death, Burial and Resurrection of Christ) and people repented and believed and were added to the church. There is nothing there about leading them down front to repeat a prayer, or repeat after me from where you are, or
"slip up your hand real fast no one looking", and then fill out a card, and present them for membership and all of this.
This slip up your hand secret salvation, no baptism, but you are going to heaven, and no one even knows you are a Christian, assure them they are going to heaven is totally unscriptural and heretical. Now, if some have had one do this, then came to be baptized and bear fruit for God, that is an exception, and a HUGE one.
Those at Pentecost got saved by hearing the Word, they repented and believed and were added to the church. None of the trickery, manipulation, "pray this formula" type of "evangelism."
- Peace