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Amazon pulls books by former gays, lesbians


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Amazon pulls books by authors who once identified as gay, lesbian
Following the removal of books by a Catholic psychologist amid LGBT activist pressure, Amazon has removed the works of other authors who once lived and identified as gay.
The works of Anne Paulk of the Restored Hope Network and pastoral counselor and author Joe Dallas are among the latest books to be pulled from the online retail giant.
Dallas' book — Desires in Conflict: Hope for Men Who Struggle with Sexual Identity — and Paulk's book — Restoring Sexual Identity: Hope for Women Who Struggle with Same-Sex Attraction — both of which until the past few days were sold on the platform, are now no longer available for purchase.


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22Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, 23And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. 24Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: 25Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. Romans 1: 22-25

I am not saying that the Amazon execs are fools (along with the sodomite branch of the moral reprobate community), but maybe the Bible is. ROY

26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
Romans 1:26-28

The sexually disturbed, know as LGBTQ..etc.. etc.. as they are finding new ways of expressing themselves in society like cancer does in the body, will seriously harm society. I realize that is a bold statement. Gay-friendly people will talk about how a homosexual or transgender friend is a nice person, so whatever insane claims they make must be true.

Homosexuality does not exist in nature. You won't find a book about animal husbandry with a section on homosexual animals. You'll find stupid stories about a male dog mounting a male cat as proof of animal homosexuality.

If a male coworker puts on a wig and comes to work in drag at 45 years old calling him Preicilla we all have to pretend that's not insane.

church mouse guy

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Amazon has been pulling a lot of books lately if they do not match up with the Bezos line. I never buy from Amazon unless there is no other choice. I try other booksellers first. A year or two ago, I could find no other vendor for a book against Islam, another heavily censored topic.


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Christian authors also finding counterfeits of their books being sold on Amazon!

July 2019 • Christianity Today
InterVarsityPress Loses Out on Nearly Quarter Million Dollars in Sales of 2018 CT Book of the Year Due to Amazon Peddling Fakes

Statement from InterVarsity Press on Counterfeiting (Updated 7/11/19)

"You may have seen the recent article in Christianity Today describing two of our books, Liturgy of the Ordinary and Delighting in the Trinity, which have been sold in counterfeit editions by re-sellers on Amazon."

"an Amazon representative...confirmed that some counterfeit copies were shipped directly from Amazon...[and] promised to provide a full refund to any customer who bought a counterfeit copy....This includes fakes from re-sellers as well as those that were inadvertently mixed in with Amazon’s good inventory"

"we do believe that there are other authors and publishers who will find themselves in a similar situation"


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Homosexuality does not exist in nature. You won't find a book about animal husbandry with a section on homosexual animals. You'll find stupid stories about a male dog mounting a male cat as proof of animal homosexuality.
Just to make you aware:

This statement does need a bit of an ”except in” clause.

It has been shown that when certain alpha males desire to express complete dominance in their “family,” he may, in fact, occasionally engage in such behavior (mostly without penetration). Not as a practice and not as humans, but the perversion of the act is not specific only to humans.

The whole of creation is perverse and perverted by sin.


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Homosexuality does not exist in nature.
Obviously you’ve never observed the Canada Goose. The common belief is that they mate for life. The truth is that they are quite promiscuous and it’s not so unusual to see them swinging both ways.

Dirty birds.

Obviously you’ve never observed the Canada Goose. The common belief is that they mate for life. The truth is that they are quite promiscuous and it’s not so unusual to see them swinging both ways.

Dirty birds.


Canadian geese aren't bisexual or homosexual.
Christian authors also finding counterfeits of their books being sold on Amazon!

July 2019 • Christianity Today
InterVarsityPress Loses Out on Nearly Quarter Million Dollars in Sales of 2018 CT Book of the Year Due to Amazon Peddling Fakes

Statement from InterVarsity Press on Counterfeiting (Updated 7/11/19)

"You may have seen the recent article in Christianity Today describing two of our books, Liturgy of the Ordinary and Delighting in the Trinity, which have been sold in counterfeit editions by re-sellers on Amazon."

"an Amazon representative...confirmed that some counterfeit copies were shipped directly from Amazon...[and] promised to provide a full refund to any customer who bought a counterfeit copy....This includes fakes from re-sellers as well as those that were inadvertently mixed in with Amazon’s good inventory"

"we do believe that there are other authors and publishers who will find themselves in a similar situation"

Males of some species will carry out behaviors of dominance that humans see as sexual. It is as silly as saying wrestling is gay.