Sounds like Breitbart is trying to position itself via public opinion to force Trump's hands. Yet it may just be trying to tie Trump's hands instead.
What we know is there is a time and place for everything under the sun. That includes war. It is wise for your enemies to understand that is an option on the table (and Steve knows this)... but his playing this hand to offset that is not helpful IMHO...
Not a Steve fan, not a Trump fan for the most part, but not sure this plays in helping America help secure a safer future either.
That said, I don't trust the circle left to be adviser to Trump either. But other than people saying they are all RINOs and bankers, I have no clue since Trump has switched members so often I am not able to keep up with them to know if they are good or bad.
Just sorta reads as something a butt hurt person that had his feelings hurt would put out. Now am I talking about Trump or Steve, lol? They were pretty similar in that dept. Hillary would of just assassinated them and made it look like a suicide while still holding the hammer used to destroy the computers that delivered the hit message.